Posted by erased000026 on 2009-10-23 18:33:23
Just hilarious!
Posted by RC on 2009-10-23 18:39:22
What a tool :D
I am not British.. but I still think that the nationalist party is a load of shite.
Posted by pythrr on 2009-10-23 18:42:36
you nazi-lover for giving him airtime!
Posted by Calcium on 2009-10-23 19:13:24
Serious question regarding racial equality.....
Are closet Gingers allowed to join the BNP?
Posted by Quadros on 2009-10-23 20:07:01
Nick griffon's like the funniest guy on the planet and he doesn't even know it.
Posted by Royston on 2009-10-23 21:37:43
How are ginger-haired people closet cases? Surely it is just a case of looking.
Posted by koga49 on 2009-10-23 23:22:41
depends if they decide to dye their hair and deny their gingerness
Posted by SillySod on 2009-10-24 00:08:24
Bleh, I'm sick and tired of hearing about a fringe party. The quality of their normal campaining is remarkably poor and lacking in both content and polish... not worth my time of day seeing some "news" about them being racist.
Posted by Calcium on 2009-10-24 00:19:29
Chewie is really hairy, is he an ethnic minority?
It's time to call for hairy face equality....
Posted by paulhicks on 2009-10-24 02:38:32
SillySod is kinda right. Its hardly news that the BNP is a bunch of racist shites and all this media storm is doing is helping them frankly. Sure they look stupid to most people..... but then again they already did. Instead all this attention just brings them into focus and lets them play this "woah is me ...we're all getting ridiculed by these liberals when all we want to do is help the country by cutting imegration... honest that all we want..." act.
The problem is when the economy is down the drain and people lives just got that bit harder a lot of people love to be offered these simple scapegoat solutions ("well if we let in less migrants you'd all have jobs right now surely" etc) and parties like the BNP do do a bit better.
Posted by Calcium on 2009-10-24 10:07:01
I agree to a point Paul, but giving Nick Griffin a platform to spout his bullshit has imo had a detrimental effect to the one he was trying to achieve by going on the programme. 8 million viewers got to see through his crap, and as the american author lady said quite righty, our society allows freedom of speech, and if we lose that we are lost. (She owned Nick btw!)
Thankfully now the vast majority of right minded people will reconsider any potential votes for the BNP based on seeiing through their racist, frankly unintelligent leader.
Posted by KhorneliusPraxx on 2009-10-24 14:31:47
whoops...I thought this was about the American comedian Nick Griffin. can I take my 6 rating back?
Posted by Archevol on 2009-10-24 16:15:13
Fair enough, but the Question Time effort wasn't a platform for him to spout. It's the closest I've seen to a total witch hunt - and that despite me thinking he's a total waste of space.
From what I've seen subsequent to the show, they all came thoroughly prepared with specific comments and questions to attack Griffin with. Griffin commented afterwards that it was not the format that he was led to expect, or had prepared for.
If anything, the rest of the panel did nothing else rather than scoring petty personal points. I cannot comment just how bad I thought they all looked together. If anything, I thought they were using Question Time as nothing more than a platform to show how 'not fascist' they are. And by that very act, looking fascist.
It was a desperately weak, very poorly reported show that has increased the strength of a party that has an appalling stance on immigration and many other issues. And most importantly, the panel did not once address why the party has gained in support in recent years - specifically the political failures of their own parties and their own moral turpitude.
End of rant!
Posted by Hofmeister on 2010-03-27 04:17:13
Cassette Boy's version of Jenny from the block is superb...