For 1½-2 years, I have tried to fill my
grid (ranked). Back then it was Dalfort who put the idea into my head(Naming and shaming on you Dalfort *o*), no it have actually been fun.
I'm getting closer, but its harder getting specific matches, and I will appreciate any help I can get, for the last 31 match ups.
I only need to play against 8 different races: Elf(edit: done), Goblin(edit: done), Halfling, High Elf, Ogre, Slann, Underworld and Vampire(edit: done).
My Chaos need to play against Goblin(edit: done. Thanks Antithesisoftime).
My High Elf
TV1740 or
TV1060 need to play against Halfling.
My Dwarf need to play against Halfling(edit: done. Thanks Dalfort).
My Human
TV1460 or
TV1580 need to play against Halfling.
My Norse
TV1490 or
TV1690 need to play against Halfling, Slann(edit: done. Thanks CroixFer) and Underworld(edit: done).
My Elf need to play against Halfling(edit: done), Goblin(edit: done), Slann(edit: done) and Vampire(edit: done).
My Nurgle
TV1270 or
TV1780 need to play against High Elf and Underworld.
My Orc
TV1570 or
TV1740 need to play against Halfling, High Elf and Ogre(edit: done).
My Necromantics
TV1270 or
TV1970 need to play against Elf(edit: done), Halfling, High Elf(edit: done), Slann and Underworld(edit: done).
My Khemri
TV1190 or
TV1820 need to play against Halfling, High Elf(edit: done), Underworld(edit: done. Thanks Squiglet) and Vampire(edit: done. Thanks King_Ghidra).
My Chaos Dwarf
TV1140 or
TV1830 need to play against Halfling, Elf(edit: done), High Elf(edit: done), Ogre, Slann(edit: done) and Underworld.
I'm normally free to play weekdays round 17-21.00 server time, and more frexibel during weekends. This week(monday-thursday) I'm pretty busy though, but the coming friday, saturday, sunday and monday, I have no other plans than gridfilling :)
I hope I can finish before the end of June :)
Send me a PM if you are willing to help. I will appreciate any help I can get.
Thanks dear FUMBBL'ers