Do you guys ever give it a rest? You have been arguing about rule changes for weeks. Give it a rest, even if just for one night. Perhaps your wife would like to have relations tonight? What are you going to tell her, "No, not tonight honey. I need to argue and browbeat some anonymous stranger via the internet until they see that my opinion is superior to theirs"? It was fun reading along for a minute, but now it has gotten old. So I'm off to go have relations with my wife. If she's not in the mood, maybe I'll go have relations with one of your wives. Lord knows she needs it.
Posted by pythrr on 2016-11-29 06:14:22
fascist censor!
Posted by keggiemckill on 2016-11-29 06:51:03
pythrr has all sorts of ex-wives you could tangle with, if you like. Im sure he wouldn't mind. He hates them anyways.