Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-05-12 10:17:22
Do you really want to be selling them off before a move? As you are still into BB, I think the answer is of course 'no'.
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-05-12 11:11:08
Very nice Skaven!
Posted by Kalamona on 2012-05-12 13:56:44
harvest... i am moving to the u.k. and i either leave all my wargaming stuff at my parents in the attic for years or i sell them. and bb teams are only a little portion of my minis... i still have a few weeks to decide.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-12 15:12:40
i would take a team or two with you to the uk, as there are lots of TT tournies here...
Posted by RC on 2012-05-12 16:03:23
Love the DE
Posted by Jeffro on 2012-05-12 16:59:34
I'm with pythrr here... moving to the U.K. and not bringing some BB team's is like having a guitar, joining a band and then going to the gig sans axe. Take your toys bro!!
Posted by astrosimian on 2012-05-12 17:53:12
That is a gorgeous yellow on the chaos players! And keep a few teams, bud! I sold or donated to friends most of my gaming stuff when I moved to Australia and really regret not keeping a few favourites!
Posted by jimimothybodles on 2012-05-12 23:35:59
nice troll!
i like the old chaos minis too. brilliant :)
Posted by Araznaroth on 2012-05-13 00:18:54
Loving thoser old Chaos players, if your journey to the UK takes you through Belgium I could help you lighten the load! :D
Thx for putting up more pics! Got to make some myself one of these days. :D
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-13 00:38:38
why would you move to australia?
Posted by hale on 2012-05-13 06:16:29
im a zon lover myself, vn!
Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-05-13 13:58:49
So leave it all in the attic, that's what I did. Great fun coming home after 5 years and getting it all out again!
Posted by astrosimian on 2012-05-13 14:20:54
Pythrr, I found I wasn't getting heat stroke nearly enough for my liking in Canada so I decided to come to the Land of the Forty-Five Degree Summers!
Posted by Axtklinge on 2012-05-13 17:05:50
Those are some lovely teams you have there.
If you dont REALLY need to sell them, don't or you'll probably regret in a couple of years.
Or at least just let go the ones you dont enjoy so much...
And by all means, if you're moving into UK, take a ocuple of them with you, you'll probably need them!
Posted by sann0638 on 2012-05-13 18:39:36
what the other UK chaps said. Really like the idea of just putting a few representative minis from each team on, very smart.
Posted by Narlgoth on 2012-05-13 20:58:37
Tidy! Why'd you want to get rid of them?!
I'm working on my 3rd Skaven team (no where near as skilled a painter as you), but I wouldn't get rid of my old ones! Eventually I'm going to get a display cabinet to stick them in so I can point and say "yep, they were my first!".
I agree you may regret letting them go! Where in Uk you moving to by the way? :- )
Posted by Dalfort on 2012-05-13 22:42:21
not to sound like an echo... but why sell them BECAUSE you are moving to the UK? we do have TT events overhere you know, and there are a good number of local club based leagues to be found. If you are moving anywhere near Manchester the Waterbowl league is based there, the won the WC you know ;)
please think about it before you sell them, unless of course it just a way to get new teams to build/paint and play.
Take care Dalfort (WB Member - not capable of WC level play!)
Posted by Kalamona on 2012-05-14 01:01:45
Narlgoth... i'm moving to cardiff, wales