Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-05-24 13:12:06
<Jan-Erik>I'm always an asshole
Posted by erased000072 on 2012-05-24 13:14:32
Rated 6 for Chainsaws comment :)
Posted by zakatan on 2012-05-24 13:29:14
You're so wrong. Everybody knows that the best whiner gets better dice.
Posted by pubstar on 2012-05-24 13:30:17
Rated 6 for 'Snakies'.
Also, for content...
But mostly for my new favorite BB term. 'Snakies' is vastly superior to the more formal 'Snake Eyes', or even 'Snakes' in my view.
Posted by Jeffro on 2012-05-24 13:36:13
I can't read that much wordses... but I'll rate 6 because long blogs are cool and everyone loves them.
Welcome to the NBFL, too, Kyy... We look forward to gangfouling your positive attitude into the turf! ;)
Posted by BlizzBirne on 2012-05-24 13:37:35
stating the obvious - but still rated 6 for truth. and for "snakies". ;-P
Posted by Cribbleobblepie on 2012-05-24 13:45:35
Nice blog. Despite close to 5,000 games on the site I'm still very guilty of getting frustrated about stuff I can't control. Food for thought, thanks.
Posted by Ffoley on 2012-05-24 13:47:09
Good post. However, personally I can deal with bad luck just fine. Instead I tend to get put-off playing my best by other stuff - like things the other coach says or does e.g. if the other coach complains about me stalling or tell me to play faster etc.
Posted by DatMonsta on 2012-05-24 14:05:28
Great Blog!
First i was a little intimidated by the length of the text but it is a very good read.
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2012-05-24 14:29:01
My career is as a Risk Manager. What you have said all boils down to risk management and prioritorising your actions vs probability of failure vs trade off of rewards.
Despite me preaching this every day at work and my experience of playing Blood Bowl as my primary game of choice since 1988, I dont have a great record either.
But when my 200spp player dies, I smile and move on... you do have to accept that the 1 in 10,000 year event may happen tomorrow AND it may happen the next day.
Posted by astrosimian on 2012-05-24 14:33:11
Great blog! 6 for length! And snakies! And snakies with length!
I know I have been guilty of "Oh woe, why me. Not again" syndrome. But I really, really try hard not to vocalize it. I know I don't like to hear it and I try to keep my opponent from having to endure it.
But there are those times when "Just one more block" before I move my ball carrier safely downfield out of blitzing range that just makes me want to screa...
Oops. I think I just explained my winning %
Posted by Reisender on 2012-05-24 14:34:51
true, poker and BB are very similar. lot of things about probability and control. however, control yourself in BB is alot more difficult, because in poker you can only lose your money, your car or possibly your house. In BB you can lose +ST +ST wardancer pixels.
Actually this is a nice advice which could go somewhere into the TAOCH or help section. For noobs, but for all of us.
Although, it probably wont help.
Human beings are not rational.
(Last week i was accused of being a lucker on a chess server...)
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-24 15:16:28
if dice are bad, KILLALLMENSTIME!
Posted by MattDakka on 2012-05-24 15:27:29
What if the dice to KILL ALL MENS are bad too and you can't kill anybody?
Posted by Kyyberi on 2012-05-24 15:31:15
Then you smile, act like you are Zen-master, and say "hoo-zah!"
Posted by garyt1 on 2012-05-24 15:34:00
Very good blog! I think the games where you are on the edge of success and then have repeated bad rolls followed by player deaths are the hard ones to stay positive. Your advice is correct though. The hard thing comes when I think I have just spent one hour / 90mins of my evening only to get frustration, but you are right that we should think next time could be more successful and all times we should just try to play our best and enjoy.
Posted by koadah on 2012-05-24 15:39:21
I can understand people getting upset about losing a huge pot due to some lucker hitting his sole out on the river.
I don't really understand people getting upset at failing a roll in blood bowl though. We must be playing the game for different reasons.
Posted by hale on 2012-05-24 15:52:03
6! i enjoy both games greatly, one can also not forget the importance of ego and the huge role it plays in both games.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-24 15:59:45
less thinking
more killallmens!
Posted by mayhemzz22 on 2012-05-24 16:27:23
was this a league game? i think i can guess which match this was :P
Posted by Kyyberi on 2012-05-24 16:35:22
Doesn't really matter what game it was, as these things happen in a LOT of games.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-05-24 17:40:10
If you make 8 succesful 3+ dodges in a row I will notice and call you a dirty elf.
If you make 8 succesful 3+ dodges in a row all of which would have you lose the ball if failed I will notice and call you a dirty cheating filthy lucker elf.
Posted by koadah on 2012-05-24 17:51:37
Ah, but would you add a smiley?
Posted by nin on 2012-05-24 18:14:27
Compulsory smiley addition :)
4) Learn to enjoy any hilarious failure.
A game were you see a Clawpomber die horribly on quadskulls while blocking some zombie rokie is a great game no matter which part you play.
A game were your opponent starts whining about luck in trun 2 is a great chance to spam the chatbox with smileys. More so if your opponent is playing some ridiculous tier 1 basher (because luck is very likely to turn arround in a glorious bloodbath...which is great, KILL ALL MENS!)
(I know at least one coach with which I'd spam smileys turn 1 whine or not :D )
Posted by ex-convict on 2012-05-24 18:29:03
I rolled triple POWs yesterday in a game with my Mino and my eyes opened wide in surprise. I also knew that I was doomed the rest of the game ;)
Posted by Toombs on 2012-05-24 18:42:42
Great post with alot to think about, your steps to BB greatness is really great, rated 6 for a good read...
Posted by Cavetroll on 2012-05-24 19:15:11
Enjoyed the read and will try to apply the 3 steps. Especially step #2 - learn to enjoy when i succeed on something. Good food for thought.
Posted by CroixFer on 2012-05-24 19:18:45
I perfectly agree with general terms.
My personal experience is that luck swifts as quick and wind changes direction and without notice.
You can play a game leaving you the ffeling everything went wrong and the next starts with a rock killing the opposition best player and the doc failing to save him...
But there is nothing you can do about it. It is true we all hate to see our best player killed after spending countless hours on him, but it will happen sooner or later, so we have to be mature enough to confront the horrible and plain truth: this is just a game.
Posted by The_Murker on 2012-05-24 19:27:28
Rated 6 for beating me to a lengthy poker BB comparison. I can delay that until next month.
In game smileys rock. There isn't much time for typing so I guess you gotta do what ya gotta do. Sometimes I give a fake giggle just so I can type lol and not feel too bad. Freaks my cat out.
Posted by Niebling on 2012-05-24 21:32:31
This was a good Read, ill try my Best to remember this in my next match
Posted by Narlgoth on 2012-05-24 23:59:26
I really struggled on FUMBBL at first, especially with the "online luck" which seems to roll totally different result averages to "real ones".
The amount of times on FUMBBL I've rolled double skulls, then rerolled and got double skulls, or had a player die, use an apothecary and then get death again, seems to vastly out weigh the amount of times that's ever happened in real life.
I've found a way to accept this horrible luck- play a terrible team- play a team made of Linesmen or Halflings without treemen. Still play to win, but you will find yourself going into each match thinking- "I'd like to win, but I'm most probably going to get my ass handed to me". You will struggle all match, no matter how flawless your play is, your players will die and get carried off in droves, and the opposition will run circles round you.
But one thing is damn sure- you learn patience, you learn positioning, and you also learn to live with every poor dice roll as part of every game.
I played my Skaven team again the other day (my babies) after a several week gap, the team I really care about, and you know what, I had a blast! Even when my GR badly hurt himself rolling and then rerolling a 1 on his 2+ dodge. I just laughed. Same the game before when my veteran Stormvermin died in a 6 man foul. I thought "damn thats harsh! oh well". I wouldn't have been able to do that when I started!
Ps- I also thought KILL ALL MENS!, but only for a second! >:- D
Posted by Wreckage on 2012-05-25 00:00:28
Generally it often feels to me that people who only focus on the probabilities in BB miss an important part in matters of long term strategy. For that reason I'm usually not very happy with poker - bloodbowl comparisons. But your text was right on the spot. Good Blog.
Posted by Kyyberi on 2012-05-25 02:39:16
How does playing by the propabilities miss some long term strategy?
I believe that when you play by the propabilities, you will be succesfull in the long term. Of course team building and management is another story and skill.
Posted by Axtklinge on 2012-05-25 13:12:17
Couldn't agree more.
It's not an easy task for everyone, but can be worked on with some practice.
At some point you mention "whining".
Just wanted to add that some folks use it quite rational and intentionally to try to influence the opponent (possibly not to score as much, or not to block/blitz all they could), like kids in emotional tantrums.
Posted by Topper on 2012-05-25 16:25:52
good blog, and I even agree with all you have said. Does that mean I manage to do so my self in every game?
No, way. Because one of the things that hooks all of us on BB is that you "always" have a chance of succeding. It might be slim, next to none, or as good as 99/100 but there´s always that small chance of success or failure at just that one time.
Kinda like the river card in Poker.
And if one can´t express your feelings - it gets boring.
However there´s a way to complain, bitch, nag etc.
I don´t mind saying when I feel unlucky or lucky. Neither am I unable to see that while I might have been unlucky throughout the game - some crazy thing just made up for that.
Finally I´ll just add that you will play better if you keep believing that the next dice is as likely to succeed as the one before - despite just having rolled 289 straight skulls in a row.
Posted by Kyyberi on 2012-05-26 14:34:31
We ARE humans, at least most of us. And of course it sucks to have bad luck. But when you start to moan and whine, it's not fun for the opponent anymore. And it's a downward spiral, the more you moan, the more that next skull annoys you.
You can express your upset in a "fluffy" and nice way too. Put a little effort to it, and it becomes fun.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-05-26 17:09:48
ky, can i just say "i killl you with axe to head"?
Posted by Wreckage on 2012-05-28 09:16:56
"How does playing by the propabilities miss some long term strategy?
I believe that when you play by the propabilities, you will be succesfull in the long term. Of course team building and management is another story and skill."
Nah, I was talking about the impact an approach has throughout one game. The effects of using good strategies in probability may be seen in long term but refer in this case mostly to what you do during a single turn. Ie. If you often do likey things in your turn, your turns will turn out better for you in the long run, agreed?
The problem is that you usually don't want to think just of your next turn and the probabilities you can predict. Ideally you have a scenario for several situations in your mind: What do I do, when my opponent suddenly starts to build a wall late into the half that I can't walk through? What do I do if he knocks my ballcarrier down and the ball ends up in my own half, do I need to put someone as backup there?
Those are things a coach can be grinding his teeth about when they happen but it's not something your mind can entirely comprehend in dice rolls, especially because you don't want to things just go your way if luck is on your side, considerations are too complex.
There may be a blitz that is benefitial for you to take on the ballcarrier, probability wise, but in the process you have to put several of your players close to the sideline, forcing you into a fight of survival for the next 3 or 4 turns wich is not benefitial.
The right road to persue is neither to give the pressure up nor to persue the attack that has the best odds. The ideal road would require intuition (or calculation skills like a high-end computer) to find a way to put serious pressure on without putting your pixels at risk, potentially discarding your best shot.
Where do you consider the state of safety archieved? Are you happy with a simple cage? Do you build a double cage? The best use of your odds don't do you any good if everything you can do has only bad odds.
Posted by Baphoment on 2012-08-05 14:53:57
I am a whiner and it's healthy so stop people whinning about whiners. If i get diceraped i will either not talk at all or put the chat on flame. Accept that.