A new North American League is looking for coaches to start its inaugural season. The
Badlands Survivalists League is a highlander style league with some twists inspired by the
Southern Survivalists League(AUS).
What twists, you ask?
NO PLAYER RETIREMENTS! Take team management to a whole new level...we are in the wastes after all and one must make due.
MUST TAKE STATS! Teams must take all stats as NUFFLE intended. These lunatics are crazy enough to eek out an existence in a very inhospitable place. They will never turn down additional power. The STRONG survive!
Fouling boosts: +1 to fouls and Sneaky Git acts as guard for fouls(also they get sent to KO box instead of outright banned).
Stunty madness gets a boost with right stuff canceling tackle.
See league page link at the top for full details.
Other important details for those wanting to join:
Inaugural season will feature a draft. Future seasons will have races randomly assigned. Ogre, Flings, Goblins are all volunteer races and will never be crammed at someone.
10 Day turnaround on games.
So please consider joining us and see if you have what it takes to be the baddest race in the Waste.