Posted by Calcium on 2008-11-29 08:59:34
I found your 1st statistic intresting. It is my opinion that when Jervis & co developed this game, they never thought of the possibility of 'recovery games' or 'cherry picking' etc. So mabye the scheduler did work ok, mabye, just mabye the wood elves are doing just what they were designed to do. Score & die. Otherwise give them AV9 and they will rule the pitch.
Play in [B] with an elf team and you know what to expect. There lies the challenge of succeeding against greater odds. Crying about it AFTER creating an elf non bashy team in [B] is stupid.
(for the record, I don't consider your blog 'crying', but as you know, there's enough of it going on out there)
Posted by nin on 2008-11-29 15:35:55
Agreeing with Calcium, the scheduler is not suposed to give "recovery games" other than pairing your low TS team to similar TS ones. Making my Skaven succesfull in BBox required of me a different aproach than the one I use elsewere. It's a challenge, but it's very fun.