Posted by Fuel on 2011-08-12 22:42:22
simple fix if you do po with claw you roll agility roll if failed you landed on your claws, roll armour and injury roll :)
Posted by blader4411 on 2011-08-12 22:46:55
If you don't want to face something that's in the official rules, get out of [B].
Posted by paulhicks on 2011-08-12 22:52:01
Walgis thats not a simple fix :D
a simple fix is removing piling on
Posted by Azure on 2011-08-12 22:54:10
So - you suffered 2 CAS? I guess lots of KOs - since 2 CAS does not seem like very much. If replay was working, I would check it out. How much did Claw come into play? How much did PO come into play?
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-08-12 23:06:39
My snow troll's having too much fun getting revenge on all the #$^#$# orcs that used to chickenhawk my norse.
Posted by Lobossumi on 2011-08-12 23:22:15
It's actually funny that people complain about this when they don't know/remember earlier editions.
There used to be 2 levels on some skills. 1st level gives +2 and second +4. Mighty Blow was one of these skills. MB with +4 on the roll was just insane, pretty much anything left the field after the block.
And back then injuries were much worse. With luck the player might miss 1 or 2 games. At worst the player would miss next 27 games making the player totally useless and destroying the team.
So no, claw+mb+po is not overpowered. It sucks yes, but that's life.
Posted by koadah on 2011-08-12 23:42:48
That team is 26/14/81. Not exactly overpowered.
Posted by jimjo on 2011-08-12 23:53:57
only nerve PO is not enought
claw on normal rolls is that bad 2
if we would get rid of PO there would be quite the same teams with guard instead of PO and still mb - claw - BOMBING
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2011-08-13 00:08:29
Lobossumi... Those older sets of rules like what you mentioned STANK. So they were CHANGED. The current rules on CLPOMB STINK and need to be changed too.
koadah... Just because that 1 team is POORLY coached does not mean the skill combo that is CLPOMB isn't overpowered.
The proposed fixes are NUMEROUS. CLPOMB is too MINDLESSLY EASY to use with ZERO CONSEQUENCES for using it.
Posted by Jeffro on 2011-08-13 00:21:38
I'd say winning only 1/5th of their games is a pretty shameful consequence. The only real fix is to not be a pixel-hugger and outball the POMBers.
Posted by X_Sniper on 2011-08-13 00:38:42
My comment on clawpombers is: if you want to kill their team that bad, bring a shotgun and some rigged dice.
I don't like PO by its self, I see it's point in some ocasions but I just don't like it, period. in terms of of claw mighty blow, I'm okay with it, at least they don't have to stand up their guy. In my opinion claw and mighty blow is the highest (mabey close to sneeky git dirty player) degree of casualty causeing skills that one should go.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 11:50:37
yr opp's team is terrible
they got lucky vs you - usually they suck
anecdote is not data.
Posted by Calcium on 2011-08-13 12:23:58
So basically what you are saying you want to finish every game with a full squad of players and a win. LOL. Don't we all!
And as for Mike being medium skilled? I think he'd take that as a total compliment!
Posted by DukeTyrion on 2011-08-13 12:38:59
As has been said, Blood Bowl 2 had much more Brutal players.
But then again, it also had random skills!
Hopefully at some point in the future [L] would have been through it's restructure, then I can run a new league with Random skills for all players, where Stars would really shine out.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 13:00:56
random skills rocked.
i miss them.
i would be up for random skills league
Posted by legowarrior on 2011-08-13 14:08:12
Well, at this point it seems more people agree with your point than don't agree.
I hate teams that rely on Clawpombers for all there tactics. It become really lame.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 14:40:08
well, what ya gonna do>
it's in the rules
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2011-08-13 17:44:10
A bunch of us have actually been talking about starting up a LRB4 league.
I would rather have aging back then play with the Clone Bowl rule set.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2011-08-13 17:48:06
Also, Meech, If you have to start a 2nd account, maybe you should pick a name that is a little bit more... not exactly the same as your old nick -L. :D
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 17:50:23
aging rocked.
i still don't know why people hated it.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 17:50:43
Melech = finger slip?
Posted by Calcium on 2011-08-13 17:58:13
A thriving LRB4 league would be wonderfull
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 18:55:16
ain't gonna happen. newbies can;t get the client and won;t want to learn rules that are not familiar to them from TT or Cyan.
so you'll end up with a small core of old timers (nowt wrong with that), but with no new blood to replace them when they get bored.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2011-08-13 18:57:46
pythrr, who the hell said anything about letting new players in to the league? :P
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 20:04:04
ah, true. you, meech and zombie. woot!
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2011-08-13 20:50:47
Hey, at least it will be more games then I currently play. :)
Posted by pythrr on 2011-08-13 21:27:48
you played me.
filthy lucker.
Posted by liquidorange on 2011-08-13 23:40:40
Here's the thing I like about clawpomb:
You have agility teams and bashy teams. The bashy teams stand an even chance at knocking out the agility teams' players and the agility teams stand an even chance at beating the bashy teams on scoring. Fair enough, right?
So who keeps bashy teams honest as far as their developing players go? You guessed it - clawpombers. With clawpomb in play, everyone has virtually the same concerns as everyone else with regard to players dying on the pitch. Without them, orcs and dwarves go back to destroying the agility teams.
Welcome to the wood elf coach's world.
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2011-08-14 10:23:40
I agree with liquidorange. Take it away and we go back to everyone complaining that Dwarves are "broken". Princesses, the lot of you!
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2011-08-15 04:34:39
liquidorange... There are MORE teams in Blood Bowl than in your overly simplified view of the game. There are some Bashy teams... and there are some Agility teams... and then there are teams that are NEITHER Bashy NOR Agility teams.
Human teams for example... do not have the AV to play a bashy game and only 5 players that can gain ST skills to bash back. Beyond that they have no ST4 players and cannot get Claw (the most powerful skill in the CLPOMB combo). They also do not have any AG4 and only 4 players (with ST2 and AV7) with easy access to AG skills.
You cannot outbash a CLPOMBer team without dice raping them (which you cannot rely on). You cannot mass spawn Guard to make it hard for them to get 2 dice Blocks. You cannot reliably Dodge away. You are not much faster than most CLPOMB teams... so you cannot out run them. You cannot reliably move the ball quickly. You cannot FIGHT BACK or RUN AWAY.
The only thing you can reliably do against CLPOMB is DIE in droves... be down 1 man each turn and lose a BORING GAME that you have ZERO chance of winning. Kicking to a CLPOMB team to start the game is practically an AUTOMATIC LOSS... and receiving doesn't raise your odds of winning but does increase your odds of a TIE.
CLPOMB is is too powerful to be left alone. Using that combo DUMBS DOWN the potential strategies in the game. Having a player that can CLPOMB on every turn makes for a MINDLESS and BORING strategy. Something in the rules MUST be changed to make using this LAME strategy less effective. This is a STRATEGY GAME not a FREAKING VIDEO GAME.
Posted by koadah on 2011-08-15 20:58:00
>The only thing you can reliably do against CLPOMB is DIE in droves... be down 1 man each turn and lose a BORING GAME that you have ZERO chance of winning. Kicking to a CLPOMB team to start the game is practically an AUTOMATIC LOSS... and receiving doesn't raise your odds of winning but does increase your odds of a TIE.
Where do you get your stats? ;)
Posted by Melech on 2011-08-15 22:31:31
@Mr_FoulScumm : I don`t know what you mean exactly, but that there is a coach named Meech is just a coincidence. I have nothing to do with that account.
@Lobossumi : I really don`t care how previous rulesets were, but obviously the were changed and they still didn`t get it right.
The introduction of the box is such a great idea and it basically is so much fun, but there are just so many basher teams out there. And those are given tools by the rulebook that are not fun to play against. That`s it.
Posted by Melech on 2011-08-15 22:36:59
doublepost :
@calcium : common, i`m not complaining about loosing a game or two, or finishing with less than 11 players. Don`t be ridiculous. It`s about an observation i made while playing a couple of games and watching a lot of games involving claw mb po. And nearly all of them were just lame. I come across more and more games that are simply based on knocking out enough players before scoring, often with numerous injuries, that prevent a comeback.