2007-10-16 14:01:12
68 votes, rating 4.6
Hello. My name is Mezir, and I am a whiner. I am out of the denial phase and I am facing my sins. I have whined, moaned, cussed, bitched and I have even - may Nuffle have mercy - rolled my eyes occasionally. Here I stand, I am guilty, do as you will.
With that out of the way, let us get on to the business at hand. I am forced, with great frequency, to peruse blogs that do no more than complain about how the dice rolls are against the author, JavaBBowl and the random generator suck, people are evil and/or how their teams have suffered. Eternally, I live in hope that the authors of these blogs are aware that nobody cares, and that there is a vast crowd of people fighting for the world's smallest fiddle, that they might play it.
Still, I can live with that. A good whine is everybody's right upon occasion. Oft are the times upon which I have abused the ears of any willing to listen to the wailing tones of my voice. I myself am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that Nuffle is out to get me, that newbies have inordinate luck, that Emphasy should have his dice taken away and that my opponents get vastly too many SIs and RIPs in their favour. Oh, and my apothecary always fails. Feel free to feel the same way. Feel free to broadcast it to the world (although remember, nobody actually cares, except maybe a few close friends, or if it's funny), I could care less. Feel free to tell karma she is a female dog, blaspheme against Nuffle! By all means, complain that your elves roll ones one out of every two times, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Bemoan the fact that paulhicks and Deathgerbil never seem to suffer from taking their own medicine and that certain elfballers among us never seem to fail an aging roll. Tell the world: life is unfair. Some people get all the luck, others none. Be emo about it - go ahead, I won't stop you! All these things and more, you can freely do, and I will leave you in peace.
But don't you ever dare to blame the random number generator, because there is a special hell for people like you.