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Last seen 7 years ago
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2017-05-03 21:03:23
rating 5.4
2017-05-03 21:03:23
9 votes, rating 5.4
The Journey of a new player
Greetings to all,

I am a new player and decided to blog my progress since that is what blogs are for really. I had my first game May 2nd quite late my time but was before midnight. The first game was a League team that I made for fun games and to learn from players that are willing to help me learn or just have fun and was against Humans played by Morehouse.

This was really close to a tutorial game for me he did not really hold my hand but did give me some advice on certain moves and the order that you move the pieces to make certain I do not make unnecessary risk. I did make some errors that were quite unnecessary but that goes with learning.

I will go in a bit more detail on the game below covering mostly blocks ball handling and injuries but if you wish to see the full movements I will say you may wish to watch the game replay. https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=3900036

First Half:

The game began with some big thrash talking by the players of the two teams starting quite a riot that angered my coach quite a big amount since it was are team in the offense. Silug #9 Thrower of the Angband Prisoners gets the ball from the kick off without much problems while Jorgagu #6 of the Prisoners decided to punch Keith #8 of the Testers down to the ground. Moments after Gelub #4 went and tackled Duncan of the testers down to the ground. Steve #2 of the Testers is now between Tilge #2, a Black Orc, and the sideline tries to escape but got clothesline to the ground instead of escaping the situation.

The thrower moving the ball getting some assistance from three of his teamate while Jorgagu decides to continue pushing Keith around once he got up and Keith was out for a moment after that play. (He was stunned) A fourth orc rushed to help the ball carrier while Gelub goes and bulldoze Duncan once again to the ground. All of the sudden with some support Jeff of the Prisoners goes and tackles Gnabadug of the Prisoners down to the gound breaking the wall of the orcs. Dave of the Testers tries to run but tripped on Sonagh of the prisoners foot and landed face first. He is horribly injured his pride was broken in half and his mouth is full of dirt. Seems like he is staying on the field however guess just looked worst than it was.

Seeing that his teammate is in danger Balogog of the Prisoners decided to jump in the action and plows right through Jeff knocking him on the ground to free up the ball carrier to run the ball. Yargug noticing that his teammate was bashing on Duncan decided to take over to give Gelub a chance to go help the ball carrier that seems to be trying to move and get out of the mess he was in.

The ball carrier moves towards the halfway mark at the moment. The team still making certain the ball carrier has reinforcement and then we see the orcs still bashing on the poor human as, Sonagh tackles Harry, Jorgagu punches Keith across the face making him fall on the ground and Gnabadug tackles Jeff. Joe the Orgre angry seeing his teammates getting knocked around like rag dolls Blasts through Gnabadug the Smasher knocking the Orc completely out perhaps if the Prisoners are lucky he will be able to return soon. The Testers get inspired by the efforts of Joe and Jake uppercuts Tilge to the ground while Steve runs over Jorgagu to the ground seemingly stunning the more dangerous looking orc.

The ball carrier and seeming his protectors advances some more Balogog seeing Duncan was in the he decided to knock him down at the line which if he is not careful he will be having some “quality time” with the fans. However, the ball carrier was not out of trouble yet with Jake rushing toward him shouldering down Ohomdud down to the ground threatening the ball carrier once again. Steve noticing Tilge got back up turned around punching the orc once again across the face making him fall back down. It seems the humans are getting revenge on the Orc’s for the pain they had to endure. Joe decided to pick up Toghat by the head and throws him away making the orc land on his head stunning him on the ground while Duncan tries to escape the fate that the fans would wish to give him tripping on the orcs falling face first.

Ohomdud decided to take revenge on the one named Jake and tackles him down then started to walk away while his target was now on the floor during the time that Silug gives the ball to Balogog since time is starting to run out. Balogog then gets a bit stressed trying to get the ball to line and gets blind sighted by Keith tackling him to the floor causing the ball to leave Balogog hands and straight on the floor.

Sonagh tackles Duncan to the floor noticing the ball is on the ground starts running seeing his teammate seeming to call a throwing play. Silug gets the ball rushing to pass the ball and drops the ball in the hand of Dave of the Testers who runs with it trying for a long pass of his own for the score but could not escape the same fate as Silug and drops the ball on the ground ending the first half.

Second Half:

Joe to begin the second half runs straight to the opposing side because someone apparently called his mother a no good snotling from Jorgagu that takes advantage of the angry Orgre and avoiding the tackle while hitting Joe in the back of the head. Meanwhile the Orcs are now rushing for the ball during the rush Gogron strikes harry down while Gogron and Balogog knocking down Harry and Jamie to the ground as well.

Tim gets the ball panicking he throws a long range pass towards Joe who drops the ball. Jorgagu takes advantage of the distraction pushing Joe away taking the ball himself and starts running from the Orgre with the ball. Gogron then tackle Jeff Smashing him on the ground smashing his ankle quite badly was the report but at first it seemed perhaps a death but seems like he will be fine. ((-1 MA, Appo was death))

Jake being angry after seeing his friend getting hurt hearing Silug laughing at what happened he snapped and shoulders Silug down stunning the orc. Duncan then knocked down Yargug down while Harry puts down Gogron. The ball gets moved forward while Balogog and Dhomdud knocks some heads and advances some more.

Keith unwisely tries to run at Jorgagu who is carrying the ball but unfortunately arriving there landed with him getting a orcs fist straight to the jaw stunning him on the ground. Tilge clothesline Donnie not long after the ball moved away from Keith knocking Donnie completely out and was taken off the field.

Tim of the Testers manages to break the orcs solid cage once more by tackling down Sonagh will they be able to knock down Jorgagu the Wise who seems to be untouchable so far even by the orgre. Steve is going for it he is running straight at Jorgagu and nope he gets laid down after shoulder tackling the bigger man. Toghat looks at Jamie that is trying to sneak around the team and pushed him straight in the crowd. He must be thanking the gods that it was the home crowd for his team or he may have never been found again. Tilge decides to tackle hairy to the ground while the humans try to get the balls back. Baalgog Then smashed down steve who falls while Sonagh gets Tim stun on the ground.

Duncan knocking down Toghat in a shocking hit while Ohomdud gets Jake down distracted Duncan did not realize that Toghat was getting up and puts him down right after. Yargug realizing that he had a angry orgre behind him smirks and tackle the big man down and shockingly stunned the orgre. Jorgagu might be going all the way and touchdown!!!!! Jorgagu was easily the MVP for his team bringing in the first victory of the Angband Prisoners in the For Fun Team league.

MVP: Toghat the Wise #6 of the Angband Prisoners

Notes: Well this took longer then I thought to be honest but was sort of fun to do. If you wish for me to do these in the future please let me know I did this one for fun so yeah. Now about the game. I had fun learning this game with a experienced player the rolls were quite nice to me as well which I am certainly make it quite easy on me also allowing a new player to get there first victory. If you watched the game and have some advice or would like to play against me please do not hesitate to ask.

Have a great night,
Mr Fox Canada
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Posted by Jeffthejar on 2017-05-03 21:46:09
Very nice blog! Welcome to fumbbl, I think it is among the best places to learn blood bowl, enjoy your time in the 145 league.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2017-05-03 22:54:20
Welcome and good luck. :)
Posted by garyt1 on 2017-05-04 00:41:47
Great start. Considering your opening couple of paragraphs I didn't expect it to be a win. Enjoy. There will be tough matches ahead but the progress is enjoyable.

I would say do these blogs every now and then, maybe not after every match. I do match reports every match, not as long as this. Though the trouble with those, on the actual match result page, is very few people other than probably your opponent read them.
Posted by MrFoxCanada on 2017-05-04 00:47:52
Well currently I do want to do it every match because I am not going to play everyday. I wanted to get a game today to make another tomorrow but it seems I am unable to find a game so far in c145 or just for fun for today so I might do some fluff I did make some in the past for Warhammer it self we had a campaign that had fluff story so might try even though I am use to Elves more then Orc but might make one later just to post something tomorrow :P