22 coaches online • Server time: 02:42
Last seen 4 years ago
2009-04-09 03:08:28
rating 3.4
2008-01-30 00:27:33
rating 5.1
2008-01-30 00:27:33
75 votes, rating 5.1
Ive taken a liking to these blogs, and have had fun reading and afterwards passing my harsh judgement on them. But how about expanding the rating system to incorporate Match reports as well. Im sure we all like to read a good and fun matchreport, and personally i check the frontpage every time i log into fumbbl to read the latest reports. Some of them are just whine about bad luck or commenting on the opponents behaviour, but alot of times people actually take time to write a good and entertaining matchreport. My favourites are the Jim & Bob variant (A classic) but other types can be just as fun, and i have seen many coaches that have their own style when writing the reports.
Id love to see more of these, and a rating system could be a way to encourage more people to write em.
Anyways, this was my first attempt into the world of blogging, and looking at it now, it probably belongs more in the suggestionsarea of the forum.
But what the heck, I will click "Add Entry" now.