One of my nicest wins. :)
First game vs some chaos. Lost 80tr and 90 ts. From 16 to 10 players. 3 niggles and 3 deaths. :) But I won.
Next game vs CD's with a rating of 278/268 or something. Mine was 184/174 :p But...
[01:22] <Synn|Legend> oh wow
[01:22] <Synn|Legend> NYBERG WON
[01:22] <;@TheSpoonyBard> O_o
[01:22] <;@TheSpoonyBard> lies
[01:23] <Synn|Legend> truths
[01:23] <;@EdgeDante> dropped the bomb on him nyberg
[01:23] <;@EdgeDante> \\o
[01:23] <;@EdgeDante> o//
[01:23] <;@EdgeDante> \o/
[01:23] <Nyb|legend> \o/
[01:23] <Synn|Legend> he beat the 100 TS higher CDs
[01:23] <Synn|Legend> with 10 fucking elves
[01:23] <Nyb|legend> :D
[01:23] <Nyb|legend> rookies
[01:23] <Nyb|legend> well, only 100tr higher and 60 ts higher
[01:24] <;@rondo> lol well played nyb
[01:29] <+Synn|Legend> that was one of the best displays of coaching i have ever seen