Posted by bghandras on 2012-06-03 13:03:37
I would rather give the blitzer dauntless by default, and:
1. increase price by 10k, or
2. Or change block to wrestle
I know wrestle sounds somewhat weird, but human team is a very quick one, which is very sinergistic with prone players.
Posted by Stinkytroll on 2012-06-03 13:06:39
That sounds like a quick and easy solution, but I don't think it really gives the Human team the competitive boost they need.
I've always wanted to see the Catcher get brought to 3 STR. I don't understand why the Catcher is 2 STR to begin with? All other catchers are 3 STR and the Human Catcher doesn't have 9 MA or Sprint like the Gutter Runner and Wood Elf Catcher. If it is so huge an advantage then increase his cost and make the Catcher's availability 0-2.
2nd, I have always wanted to see a Human Blocker. If they are truly supposed to be well rounded, then why not give them access to one or two strong/tough guys? I'm not sure what would be the best balance as far as stats go? I think 5 MA 3 STR 2 AGI and 9 AV with Mighty Blow and GS access would be a good start for them. And it makes sense for the fiction, otherwise where does a character like Mighty Zug come from?
Posted by Oly1987 on 2012-06-03 13:13:49
I looked at this change as it changes the team without changing the roster (this goes with thought to the TT game and the miniatures)
Posted by DonnyRainboe on 2012-06-03 14:29:49
I took 4 catchers on my rookie human team and went 15/3/0 in the box. I would say my catchers are the stars on my team.
Posted by PeteW on 2012-06-03 14:32:49
Humans are rubbish in real life, ergo, they have to be rubbish in bloodbowl. Fact.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-06-03 16:07:05
they should
[1] stay in school
[2] work out more
[3] say no to drugs
Posted by Thadrin on 2012-06-03 17:09:31
Zug is a very bad Ogre player.
The old Reikland Reavers circa 2nd Ed didn't have an Ogre, but it is intimated that Zug is a Half Ogre (fairly horrific concept that).
His stats are those of a rubbish Ogre minus Bonehead.
Human Blitzers should be 80k. Make the catchers AV8.
Posted by pythrr on 2012-06-03 17:10:50
we had a very long and very boring thread on this a few weeks ago.
humans are fine.
less balh blah blah