Posted by maysrill on 2010-06-15 21:13:15
Try using the ogre as an anchor rather than a wrecking ball. Sure, block with him once in a while, but your blitzers should do most of your blitzing, and your ogre almost none. Big Guys are unreliable, and your once-a-turn blitz is crucial. Your ogre shouldn't be making 1/4 of your blocks.
Posted by SillySod on 2010-06-15 22:41:16
I disagree with maysrill, the ogre should be making plenty of blitzes..... but ONLY if they are 3D blocks.
Posted by Ancre on 2010-06-16 00:00:56
One nice rule about Big Guys I've learned is that one : if your Big Guy is going to do something that can not cause a turnover (ie : move) do it as early as possible. (This is because of the negatrait : if you roll 1 for the bonehead roll, you can still move other players and work around to minimize the negatrait failure's consequences. If you did it in the end of the turn, you wouldn't have another player to, say, make a corner of a cage or mark that enemy blitzer.) If your big guy is going to do something that can cause a turnover (block, foul, almost anything, really) do it as late as possible. This is because he can't use rerolls and is much more unreliable than the rest of your team, so much more likely to draw a turnover to you.
That said, it is probably good to be daring when you use him ; I have trolls on my chaos dwarf team and they're useless because I am always afraid of doing anything useful with them. Then again, I'm still learning, in a way :)
And don't worry about interceptions ! Around 150 games played, still not had one yet as well :D