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Last seen 47 weeks ago
Win Percentage


2016-04-16 15:22:24
rating 3.5
2016-04-16 15:22:24
20 votes, rating 3.5
Estalian Teams.

0-16 Scoundrels 50,000 Dirty Player 6 3 3 7 GA SP
0-4 Guards 80,000 6 3 3 8 Wrestle, Thick Skull GS AP
0-2 Diestros 90,000 8 2 3 7 Dodge, Side Step, Stab GA SP
0-2 Fury Sisters 100,000 6 3 3 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy GS AP

Re-roll counter 70,000
Apothecary Yes
Star Players Human

Player Icons




Fury Sisters

I love Warhammer world and as spanish i´m in love with Estalia, i´ve created this team according to the official history of Warhammer and respecting the rules of blood bowl. That´s a team of humans but with several differences to the human official team, another point of view and certainly more fun.

First of all we have to speak about estalian rivalry. Rivalry between estalian people is a big problem and i think the best way to represent it is with these two following handicaps.
The first rivalry handicap for this team is that estalian rivalry dificult the situation when this team play or train together so that re-roll counter cost +20.000 than basic human team.
In addition as second rivalry handicap estalians are not used to working in team passing the ball, this explains why these teams have no natural throwers.

Estalians know how to make competitive teams taking advantage of people who are in their diverse territory and particular society.

Most of estalian people make a decent living as sailors, merchants or soldiers. But others prefer to crime and other illegalities to make money. For scoundrels, rogues, thugs, ruffians and hustlers end up being hired by a team is an opportunity to leave their criminal life but they are still bringing their bad habits to the field. For estalian teams they aren´t professional athletes but they are cheaper players when compared with the other team positionals, and money rules.

From fortresses of the mountains of Abasko and Irrana to large navy estalian fleets in Magritta or Bilbali no shortage of strong men trained in combat. From these places estalians teams mainly choose the most burly men that training as good defensive players called Guards.

The offensive players and main makers of td's in estalian teams are the famous and skilled Diestros. Basically they are experts in fast combat movements and tactical positions and they apply this knowledge to the blood bowl. They left the sword at home but not the dagger which makes many players prefer to avoid them. Anyway you must take care because they do not usually wear armors and they can die easily.

All estalians got a great devotion to Myrmidia, goddess of war and strategy. In Myrmidia cult there are several orders, among them we can find an order of warriors priest called the Order of Fury, from this order estalian teams get the Fury Sisters. These women wear good armors and they are great and brave fighters that playing for honor. And no matter if this team does not have big boys, because they can easily knock down an ogre.

This is my gift to the world, enjoy. Team design and background by Pablets De Avendanus, Icons by Cowhead.

Notes: All information on which I have based to create this team has been taken from Blood Bowl LRB6, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st and 2nd Edition and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Tome of Salvation.

Controversy over estalian rivalry: Some people think estalian players must got animosity but rules are clear at this point and this trait is only applied in "diferent races" which has no sense with they that are all humans, so as I dont want to change the Blood Bowl rules undoubtedly this trait got to be discarded.


Me encanta el mundo de Warhammer y como español estoy enamorado de Estalia. He creado este equipo según la historia oficial de Warhammer y respetando las reglas de Blood Bowl. Esto es un equipo de humano pero con bastantes diferencias al equipo humano oficial, otro punto de vista y ciertamente más divertido.

Primero de todo debemos hablar de la rivalidad estaliana. La rivalidad entre las gentes estalianas es un gra problema y pienso que la mejor manera de representarla es con los dos siguientes handicaps.
El primer handicap para este equipo es que la rivalidad dificulta la situación cuando entrenan y juegan juntos así que el contador de re-roll cuesta 20.000 más que al equipo básico humano.
Además como segundo handicap tenemos que lo estalianos no están acostumbrados a trabajar en equipo pasando el balón, esto explica que el equipo no tenga lanzadores naturales.

Los estalianos saben como hacer equipos competitivos aprovechando la gente que hay en su diverso territorio y su particular sociedad.

La mayoría de los estalianos se ganan la vida decentemente como marineros, mercaderes o soldados, pero otros prefieren el crimen y otras ilegalidades para hacer dinero. Para canallas, pícaros, matones, rufianes y estafadores acabar jugando en un equipo de Blood Bowl es una manera de salir de su mundo criminal aunque se sigan trayendo sus malos hábitos al campo. Para los equipos estalianos ellos no son atletas profesionales pero son jugadores más baratos si los comparamos con el resto del equipo, y el dinero manda.

Desde las fortalezas de las montañas de Irrana y Abasko hasta las grandes flotas de la armada de Magritta y Bilbali en Estalia no faltan hombres fuertes entrenados en el combate. De esos lugares los equipos estalianos escogen principalmente los hombres más fornidos que los entrenan como buenos jugadores defensivos conocidos como Guardias.

Los jugadores ofensivos y principales creadores de td´s en los equipos estalianos son los famosos Diestros. Básicamente son expertos en rápidos movimientos de combate y posiciones tácticas y ellos aplican sus conocimientos al Blood Bowl. Dejaron su espada en casa pero no su daga por lo cual muchos jugadores prefieren evitarlos. De todas maneras debes tener cuidado porque ellos normalmente no llevan armadura y pueden morir fácilmente.

Todos los estalianos tienen un gran devoción a Myrmidia, diosa de la guerra y la estrategia. En el culto a Myrmidia hay varias órdenes, entre ellas podemos encontrar una orden de sacerdotes guerreras llamada la Orden de la Furia, de aquí los equipos estalianos consiguen las Hermanas de la Furia. Estas mujeres protegidas en buenas armaduras y son grandes y valientes luchadoras que juegan por honor. Y no importa si este equipo no tiene Big Boys, porque ellas pueden tumbar un ogro con facilidad.

Este es mi regalo al mundo, disfrutadlo. Diseño de equipo y trasfondo hecho por Pablets De Avendanus, iconos por Cowhead.

Notas: Toda la información en la que me ha basado para crear este equipo ha sido tomada de Blood Bowl LRB6, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1ª y 2ª Edition y Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Tome of Salvation.

Controversia sobre la rivalidad estaliana: Algunas personas piensan que los jugadores estalianos deben tener "animosity" pero las reglas en este punto son claras y este rasgo sólo puede ser aplicado entre "diferentes razas" lo cual no tiene sentido con ellos que todos son humanos, así que como no quiero cambiar las reglas de Blood Bowl indudablemente este rasgo tenía que ser descartado.
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Posted by harvestmouse on 2016-04-16 16:13:18
"and respecting the rules of blood bowl."

Have you respected the rules of blood bowl? What human comes with strong arm? What thrower comes with strong arm? Why does an Estallian thrower have this skill while no other thrower or human has it? You can add new skills to a newly described player; however describing a race and position with a different skill confuses things.
Posted by mister__joshua on 2016-04-16 18:47:54
I think it's a pretty solid effort for a new team. Could be fun and a bit different. Maybe has too many positional players.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-16 19:47:25
I dont see any problem, humans can get stromg arm. I´ts complatibe with rules. i´ve just replaced Stromg Arm for Pass, as i said he is human but with a specific job who makes distincions with another humans. And believe me, sailor got strong arms, have you ever armed wrestle with one? ;-)
To prevent confusions i should better change position names.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-16 19:50:23
Actually changed thrower for sailor. Thanks for your opinion Harvestmouse.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-16 19:52:00
Yeah Joshua, but No more than Norses or Orcs.
Posted by bghandras on 2016-04-16 19:59:27
Rated 6 as i really appreciate the effort, but this is probably not a perfect roster yet.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-16 20:52:24
Yeah Bghandras, actually i´m changing things. If you got any interesting idea i´ll be grateful.
Posted by bghandras on 2016-04-16 21:41:02
I wonder what is possible with 4 positionals. I like the rogue, keep that defenetly.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2016-04-16 22:17:55
Hmmmm I think I will bow out of critically responding to this roster as it feels like I'm bullying you about language. If you want to call them throwers call them throwers. I have too many issues with this roster for me to be happy with its nomination. Thankfully cyanide aren't so picky. So plaster it here, there and everywhere and they might just pick it up!
Posted by Crazy_Lemur on 2016-04-17 13:36:09
I really like the idea of this roster dude
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-17 17:27:54
Thanks Crazy_Lemur.
Posted by Lill-Leif on 2016-04-18 19:56:22
What if guards started with "guard" instead of block? :-)
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-18 20:44:37
The positional name induce to it, i was thinking about it but i think its better start with the basic block. Later as you can take strenght skills if you would like to make a defender instead a blitzer you can take it.
Posted by the_Sage on 2016-04-19 09:26:26
The comments suggest the main post has been edited. This just looks like bad humans. Trading an MA for thick skull on the blitzers, and for sidestep on the catchers makes them pretty decent at lower TVs, but with less potential. One of the main problems for humans is lack of stats, giving their 8 fastest players -MA will exacerbate that.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-19 11:45:57
Yeah The Sage, it´s a little limited team, rivalry is a problem, I'm still thinking about creating another position but keep in mind in Estalia nobody wants to be thrower.
Anyway i think Diestros are versatile and better than human Catcher. Diestros got 3 strong, that make them more hard to resist blocks and better to make blocks.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-24 13:43:46
The_Sage finally i think you were right, i made the Diestros faster and light, but i gave them a dagger. Basically they do not know have the left hand alone.
Posted by Pablets on 2016-04-26 23:56:41
Thanks a lot to Cowhead for his wonderful icons.