The Winner of this months OWS is:
Do the Zombie Stomp Coached by none other than yours truly \o/
The Runner up is:
Phyco Hose Beasts coached by
The points given for this month are:
- Do the Zombie Stomp - RealMadns: 50
- Phyco Hose Beasts - Deatheart: 25
- Dead Knights - Palorrin: 15
- Underhide Creepers - Araznaroth: 15
- Dem Quick and Dem Dead - Catalyst32: 10
- Frenzied Founding Fathers - Flashback13: 10
- Regenerated - Timlagor: 10
- Barricades and Brickwalls - somertown: 5
- BC Orcelona - ZugarAmurdi: 5
- Dormroom Brewery Heroes - smjack70: 5
- Niggle Me, Please - vlokiera: 5
- Old Skool ENTitites - SteelThunder: 5
- Too Many Chiefs - adambomb: 5
- Undercity Slickers - chooxter: 5
- Dice Loaded of Skulls - Ivaneitor: 0
- Los Mataos Blancos - nazdreg1: 0
Grats to all who scored points.
P.S. Yay, my first blog!