I decided to take the dive into League play and rolled up an Underworld team for the O[L]C FFA VII - Light Heavyweight division. What follows is the write-up of my first ever League match (in any league).
"Under Mountain's debut match occurred against the Breeland Raiders lead by the seasoned coach koadah, and what an interesting match it was. Coaching inexperience, miscommunication on the bench and on the field were rife among the rookie team Under Mountain.
Once the coin was tossed and the Breeland Raiders were decided to be the receivers, Skaven and Goblin players stumbled out on the field in a chaotic pile. After much yelling and waving from the bench, coach RedDevilCG managed to get the players into some semblance of a defensive setup, only to realize after the whistle and kick-off that the key player in his opening strategy Nobbla Blackwart was still sitting on the bench oiling up his chainsaw. However, the play was on and they had to make due.
The Breeland Raiders took their standard receiving pattern, and professionally gathered up the ball while their two massive Treemen Oaky Broadtrunk and Willow Longbranch effeciently pushed back the defenders on the line of scrimmage. In response the Warpstone Troll Wart Slubguts spent his first opening move scratching his head trying to remember what the coach had told him, and no amount of yelling from his Goblin tender could snap him out of it.
The Breeland Raiders wasted no time in forming up their offensive pattern around their star player Hambut Brockhouse, who claimed to be a halfling, but due to his massive physique was rumoured to actually be a beardless dwarf. Skaven players deftly maneuvered around the powerful but sluggish Treemen to begin their assault while Goblin players bobbed and weaved to flank the centre field side.
In a clever ploy, the Halfing offense initiated a brilliant play where they feigned an opening on the ball carrier for UW Thrower #4 Reminrot the Beastmaster while #8 Bolo Gamgee maneuvered in behind. Reminrot immediately went for the blitz and Bolo showed excellent athleticism in a diving tackle to the ankle which brought both players to the ground.
Seizing the initiative, the Halfling offensive dashed to the other side of the field, while #2 Willow Longbranch pinned in the Skaven defenders against the sidelines. The way was clear and #16 Hambut Brockhouse moved into the end zone for the touchdown at the end of the first half to make the score 1 – 0 Breeland Raiders.
Under Mountain scrambled on to the field to setup an offensive charge, but seeing the clock, the Halfings setup a TTM OTT defense with #7 Tigg Skerret taking the LoS with between the two Treemen under the promise of free access to the after game smorgasbord. He was promptly punched in the nose by #3 Transiform of the Under-Empire, badly hurt, and sent off for the rest of the match. With the ball out of reach from the kickoff, the halftime whistle blew and coach RedDevilCG had a moment to reform his plan.
The second half ran much more smoothly for Under Mountain, but was not without its bit of chaos. Both #91 Nobbla Blackwart (chainsaw now dripping with oil) and #90 Fezglitch took the positions and prepared to dish out the pain, and #90 Fezglitch did just that! The opening whistle blew and with censer wildly swinging over his head, promptly bashed his fellow Goblin teammate #15 Detg prone to the pitch. In some confusion over the rules, the referees blew the whistle and an argument between them ensued over whether the Britannia or New World rulebook was in use. Coach (and commissioner) koadah stepped in settle the case declaring Under Mountain to still be in action and in a display of exceptional sportsmanship passed his turn back to RedDevilCG!
From this point on #91 Nobbla Blackwart went on a rampage, KO'ing veteran #2 Willow Longbranch (who stayed stunned on the field due to an apothecary potion secreted away in a birds nest), and seriously injuring three other halflings resulting in two player with broken ribs and one with a smashed collar bone which is likely a career ending injury.
Meanwhile, with #4 Reminrot the Beastmaster as the initial receiver of the ball, Under Mountain made a strong drive up the left half of the pitch and into their opponents zone. With a solid offensive screen around the ball carrier, a turn 6 touchdown was almost certain. In a heroic effort, dwarfling Brockhouse dodged into the offensive formation and with his strength an even match for Reminrot manged to bring them both down. Immediately after he stayed on Reminrot, both preventing him from dodging back to the ball, and moving any closer to the end zone.
The 2nd sure handed Thrower #5 Mutable of the Northern Wastes stepped up to retrieve the ball, but due to the fact that it was still spinning after being knocked free, was unable to pick it up. Under Mountain managed to keep any Halfing players away from the ball for one turn, and finally showed a glimmer of the teams potential. #5 Mutable of the Northern Wastes scooped up the ball, and with the assistance of Thrower #4 Reminrot the Beastmaster, managed to blitz the Herculean Hambut Brockhouse out of the way and twice go for it to score the touch down at the end of turn 7 to tie the game 1 – 1.
In an exceptional display of nerves, the Breeland Raiders managed to execute a TTM OTT play (that I had earlier failed) and the game closed out at 2 – 1 in victory for the Halfing team.
Overall an impressive performance from both teams, and Under Mountain showed that if they ever start firing on all cylinders, they can be a fearsome team.
-RedDevilCG out."