Posted by Ballcrusher on 2009-01-31 00:13:32
Great blog Reventlov - but you got the last percentages wrong... 1 vampire 1,92 %, while 1 dwarf 3,85 % and 2 skaven 3,85 %...
Posted by Reventlov on 2009-01-31 00:18:34
Fixed, had not proofread enough. Thanks for catching that.
Posted by veron on 2009-01-31 10:03:27
Orcs have kept their share very stadily. However, Wood Elves have raised their share from a mere 6,25% to 19.2% - interesting!
Posted by MadTias on 2009-01-31 10:58:54
DE are doing exceptionally poorly - they have 19 % of the all-time top-8 placings and are at a mere 4 %. Other than that it looks normal.
Posted by CircularLogic on 2009-01-31 14:15:49
The darkies are a fashion thing. In the early days there were way more elven teams up there and darkies were especially popular. Now that every elven coach is a filthy picker and elfbowler, you see less elves than before and even less DE, as darkies excell against other elves but have more trouble against heavy teams IMO.