Ok, It seems I have some people picking on me. I need to turn that around and beat them at least once.
I'll use this blog to keep track of my progress.
The coaches and my record against them are:
- Bluedeathstrike 0/3/10 Inactive
- StrangeFeller 0/0/5
- JackDaniels 0/1/4 Inactive
- FischerKing 0/1/4 Inactive
- Smess 0/1/4 Inactive
- Mezir 0/1/4 Inactive
- Pirrekurr 0/2/3 Inactive
- pythrr 0/3/2 Inactive
- PhoenixxX 0/0/4 Inactive
- Lishi 0/1/3 Inactive
- maxblb 0/3/1 Inactive
Games against them:
- a loss vs Bluedeathstrike
- a loss vs Bluedeathstrike
- a win vs malitrius: off the list with record 1/1/3
- a win vs Dominik: off the list with record 1/0/4
- a win vs DukeTyrion: off the list with record 1/1/3
- New on the list: FischerKing with record 0/1/3
- New on the list: Wotfudboy with record 0/1/3
- New on the list: Cribbleobblepie with record 0/0/4
- a loss vs FischerKing
- New on the list: Pirrekurr with record 0/2/2
- a win vs samuelson: off the list with record 1/0/4
- a loss vs Cribbleobblepie
- a loss vs Wotfudboy
- New on the list: Jokaero with record 0/0/4
- a win vs Wotfudboy: off the list with record 1/1/4
- a draw vs Bluedeathstrike
- a win vs morehouse: off the list with record 1/1/3
- New on the list: pizzamogul with record 0/0/4
- a win vs Jokaero: off the list with record 1/0/4
- a win vs Cribbleobblepie: off the list with record 1/0/5
- New on the list: maxblb with record 0/3/1
- a loss vs Smess
- a loss vs Pirrekurr
- New on the list: pythrr with record 0/2/2
- a win vs pizzamogul: off the list with record 1/0/4
- a draw vs Mezir
- a draw vs pythrr
- New on the list: Mateuszzzzzz with record 0/1/3
- a loss vs Mateuszzzzzz
- New on the list: Azure with record 0/1/3
- a loss vs Azure
- New on the list: PhoenixxX with record 0/0/4
- a loss vs Azure
- a win vs Mateuszzzzzz: off the list with record 1/1/4
- a win vs Azure: off the list with record 1/1/5
- New on the list: StrangeFeller with record 0/0/4
- a loss vs StrangeFeller