I finished my first ever BBT run and at the time of posting I'm tied for 11th with 24 points and best Khemri! I did not think I would ever do as well as that, and look forward to seeing what I can do in BBT5!
The 2 teams were the
Norse and
Egyptian Pantheon Panthers, partly because I like the teams but mostly for the theme :D
Khemri went 11-3-1. My ranked Khemri are absolutely abysmal so my expectations were low, but they burst out of the blocks by absolutely dicing opponents, then 3/4 TGs lucked out and got block, and though only 2 lived they got Strength and another double! I trimmed the team down to 2 rerolls once I snagged leader which worked pretty well. Elven Union was problematic for obvious reasons, causing the only loss and one of the draws. I was a little sad when I got to my last game, but they will be back in 2021!
Norse was a bit different. They also started with some strong dicing. Then they played 4 Dorfs in a row...(3 of which was an...entertaining series against
wintergreens' Dorfs for some of the stupidest dice you've ever seen!). The Yeti was absolutely hopeless and a huge TV sink; I don't think I'll ever be taking another one :( I also got outsurfed enough that I probably need to learn how to frenzy better. Luckily they were able to finish slightly positive with 6-4-5.
Overall it was a ton of fun and I look forward to the next one!