The aspiring Ogre Team "Some Blokes and the Chipmunks" have recently completed their 25th match in the Box. Their results so far aren't really outstanding but with 6/7/12 they have at least achieved more wins and draws (added) than losses.
The "Blokes" actually just play for fun and to bring some new "flavor" into the highly bashy Box.
Bane: Game 24 against OenarLod's "Vault Tec Squad" was the "Blokes' " highest loss, so far - a well deserved 0:4.
(Unfortunately I forgot to save a copy of the match report...;)
Boon: Game 25 was the "Blokes' " sweetest victory against Dreadlord's "just PO on you and hope".
I expected the Blokes to be butchered but Nuffle smiled on them and thus they won 2:1. It may have been not really deserved but hey - they're Ogres and need some luck. If I'm not mistaken the "Blokes" were the first Ogre team to be faced by Dreadlord's notorious Chaos team and well I really don't want to rub it in - but still, they lost :p
All I'd like to say is that teams like Flings, Gobs and Ogres can be real fun in the box when you're able to take these matches not too seriously. So go out and have some fun. No wins are rarer and sweeter than the ones of "Fun Teams" in the rather competetive Box!
PS: Can somebody post the link with the "New BB Code instructions for dummies" like me? I'd really appreciate it.