Thanks to everyone who has commented on the launch. We would love to get submissions for FC match reports and predictions, as well as any article you would care to write.
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 22/From the Servers of FUMBBL/ -- BLITZ Magazine, a new dynamically-updated publication created by you, the denizens of FUMBBL.
BLITZ Becomes the First On-Site Magazine Run Entirely by the FUMBBL Community at Large, Accepting Content From Everyone.
Focused on playing Blood Bowl and FUMBBL-related fluff, BLITZ brings fine editorial standards to the coverage of "the addiction". It will also regularly feature articles concerning tactics, interviews of famous FUMBBL coaches and tournament predictions and commentary.
Our aim is to provide an ongoing medium of news and entertainment supporting everyone at FUMBBL. We have had GLN and TNT, but our niche is to provide a living magazine, dynamically changing with FUMBBL and with content and even formatting best liked by you, the FUMBBL community.
According to Nuffle, "Suddenly FUMBBL-- led by remarkable private efforts --is becoming a hot topic again. The response to our first issue will be overwhelming and it's clear that we are filling a void for readers and those seeking information."
Synn, a lifelong Blood Bowl addict and infamous FUMBBL personality says: "I am speechless."
Even Bowlbot thinks "BLITZ Magazine is great! And I'm not usually so easily impressed. This is a quality magazine that is sure to be an instant hit."