In the spirit of some recent blogs, here's a summary of the opponents faced by race for 4 Skaven teams. To get a reasonably large number of matches I've picked my own
Paint it [B]lack (21 games), DukeTyrion's
Mice in Black (19 games), Kazadrum's
Mice out of the Blackbox (31 games), and the current top rated Skaven, smallman's
small black skav (32 games).
Skaven, with their av7 ag3 no-dodge linerats, are a team some might expect to struggle in an overly bashy environment. So, what sort of opponents have these teams faced, and how are they getting on?
Amazon 1
Chaos 16
Chaos Dwarf 2
Dark Elf 6
Dwarf 18
Elf 2
High Elf 2
Human 8
Khemri 9
Lizardmen 1
Necromantic 3
Norse 5
Nurgle 1
Ogre 2
Orc 11
Skaven 2
Undead 4
Vampire 2
Wood Elf 8
103 games in total.
All teams except small black skav have a winning record. Their TR/TS are currently 177 / 167, 162 / 173, 193/172, and 196/208.
Conclusion :
There's a lot of Chaos and Dwarf teams out there! Though, small black skav, from their 32 games, contribute 11 of the 18 dwarf games here, poor sods.
Nonetheless, generally I see no big problem with racial diversity, barring a sad lack of Lizard and Nurgle teams. There are plenty of elves and humies about, and while the number of dorfs is depressing, I'd expect that in time some at least of those dorf coaches will either get bored, or realise that you don't need av9 to survive in [B ], or both.
Basically though, all four teams seem to be thriving, casting some doubt on any idea that [B ] is an environment in which low armour races cannot prosper.