"I really think we'll do well. I've been to the practice sessions of all the other teams in this sad little division of the CIBBL, and to be honest, none of them come close. The morons from Seven Samples seem to be more interested in how bad they smell than getting the ball. And across the valley over there, it's almost as if the Slaanesh team misread the instructions in their stupid holy book. I mean come on fellows! You're supposed to cause pain, suffering, torment, all those things. Instead they walk around calling themselves Pleasure Whores, or something to that effect. And seriously, don't get me started on those witch wannabes!
Like I said, we're going to do just fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I see Mr Meatball over there has gotten confused about which side we're defending. Let me go smack him upside the head." - From a pre-season interview with Volguus the Red, coach of A Throne of Skulls, hot favorite to win the Chaos Wasteland division of the CIBBL this year.
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