Did you know? I cannot add blog content from my phone but can apparently make the title
For those of you that are unawares the NCBB is a college football themed North American timezone league where players are restricted to playing 4-5 seasons depending on how they do in their 1st season. After they have used up their "eligibility" they then "graduate" (retire) and may get drafted into the other popular North American time zone league the NBFL. With that said I was bamboozled into playing humans in these league as it was thought that playing humans would teach me to be a better Blood Bowl coach. I have completed one whole season and have just finish up the first Out Of Conference portion of my second season with the App. St. Hillbillies.
https://fumbbl.com/p/team?team_id=938321 . So, what have I learned after a season and change?
1. Humans suck. in short yes playing humans has made me a better coach and the reason is because they suck. While playing humans it is very important to make sure you cover your butt because if you don't you are going to fail something important, then you are going to fail the re-roll, then your opponent is going to make you pay. This means that one must be very careful to make sure that any hand offs are covered. One must take care not to out run their screen. They don't have the strength to really hurt anyone and they are made of paper so they are easily destroyed themselves. In 12 games I have had 7 player deaths that's a rate of more than 1 every other game.
2. Humans are awesome. Humans are super fast. like really fast. rats and elves expect to just zoom past you but guess what? they really cant because of how fast you are. MV7 and guard is actually really power full. it means you can shove in a guard player anywhere you need them and smack someone around with a 2d block. Catchers are super under rated. easy access to blodge, MA8, and catch means that these guys can make some serious ground really quickly. A sketchy pass and a hand off means that these guys can pull off the old switcharoo with the best of them and be safely out of range to score. It also means that they can dash across the pitch and add an assist fro out of nowhere. Take wrestle instead of dodge and who knows maybe you run around their screen and the -2d block pays off?
Now I know what you are thinking... "Waag you are a noob. What do you know? what gives you the right with so few games played to be trying to tell any of us how to play humans?"
Nothing I'm just typing stuff that comes into my head and spins around in there to get it out of my head. honestly the number of people who have read and rated this blog before I had even a chance to add any content kinda makes me nervous. But whatever.
So. The Hillbillies, true to name, have been especially poor due to losses meaning they have had ample opportunity to experiment with the various inducements available to the human team. Now, this isn't a MUST WIN every game environment. So, traditionally have have gone after team preservation inducements like extra apothecary, Babes, maybe a cheap star. Still my team has been beaten to death and mangled to a point where I traditionally am playing a man or four down. Last game, against Oooklahma and their stat freak monkeys I actually had enough to buy an extra apothecary babes and The Mighty Zug. I must say after having forked out the cash for Zug... Way better than trying, and failing, to preserve my teams health. Moral of the story? Don't pixel hug. A loner is just as good at getting his teeth kicked in. The extra punch made a huge difference and it convinced me that my team needs an Ogre.
Traditionally I have been against Big Guys. But the ogre just provides me another learning opportunity. how to manage this player who is wildly unreliable. What is he even good for? He is easy to doge away from. he can hit hard but do you dare try to smack someone around and risk losing tackle zones? I really don't know yet. But then again, I hated strength 2 players till I learned the value of their speed. Maybe. Hopefully I will learn what to do with these so called big guys.
I would also like to note that I'm not really big on fouling. having the numbers is too important to risk my player for another. now don't get me wrong. If you stick that superstar's chin out there I am gonna try and break it. But, I wont go trying to stomp on whomever at every opportunity.