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Last seen 8 years ago
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2013-12-09 20:30:56
rating 3.2
2013-08-09 12:17:36
rating 5.5
2013-08-06 11:39:04
rating 5.5
2013-08-06 11:39:04
26 votes, rating 5.5
BlackBox Top Flings
After ten games my fling team Fellowship of the Piadina still do it right!

After my last game I reached the top of Blackbox Flings Ranking.
Scared by those lizard, I decided to hire a masterchef in order to boost the mood of my team.
Unluckily the chef was not ready at the beginning of the game, so we played the first half without him, but a missed pick-up allowed Golfetta to steal the ball and score a TD while his teammates were trying to help the chef making lunch hunting Skinks on the field. (Skink soup is an excellent source of energy :D).
Anyway Lowbottom Lowriders managed to draw back before the end of the half, so we were 1-1 at turn 8.
Time to TTM, but the kicker of lizarmen avoided our stunty action kicking the ball far from los. On this turn we killed a Saurus, and we were already putting him in the pot, but our opponents apo patched him back... Damn apo, we will find you and eat you, that's a promise.
Before the second half the chef did a great work, demotivating our opponent and charging our fighting will.
Both treemen did they job holding back most of the opposing team, allowing the ball carrier to move forward undisturbed and score on T16

Cheers to us (even if we are here thanks to good dice and because no one uses fling :D) and many more feasts :D
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Posted by Ehlers on 2013-08-06 11:58:20
Good job on min maxing :)
Posted by Rabe on 2013-08-06 12:27:12
Wow, 6/4/0 is an impressive record - congratulations! :-)

Also, I doubt it has to do anything with min-maxing - unless of course you look at the basic roster and see two players contributing 240k to the TV, while the rest "cost" near to nothing. ;-P

Why do people rate this rather lowly?!
Posted by uzkulak on 2013-08-06 13:17:28
Because healthy players with skills are routinely fired :P

Regardless of that, it is still a good record with flings, good luck to you.
Posted by Garion on 2013-08-06 14:16:51
yeah but flings with skills are largely pointless unless they are doubles or stats, why double your player cost of a skill that will never get used.

its a great record. well played.
Posted by andr_e on 2013-08-06 14:23:01
Thank, even if luck is more involved than choaching skills :)

Yes, I retire healty players, becouse I can nearly have 2 flings at the same price of one with ss (and ss is not so usefull when you go out of the pitch every time someone block you :P)

I do not see this like min maxing, since I still have 16players full roster 4 rr and apo, but maybe I'm wrong

Anyway now I must reward this team and, after the fest thay earned I will work on a team logo (as soon as I find a nice idea and a real will of doing it -i.e. when i'll be bored- )
Posted by MattDakka on 2013-08-06 14:30:23
It's not minmaxing, it's roster optimization because normal skills on Halflings are too expensive.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-08-06 14:39:59
"It's not minmaxing, it's roster optimization" Yes...........that's what minmaxing is.

Minmaxing has become a bad word, which is ok with me. However to those that do it, it isn't necessarily so.

Minmaxer/Roster Optimizer are the same person to me.
Posted by Garion on 2013-08-06 14:45:40
I think this is pretty different though Harvestmouse.

These are flings in the box. A fling with a skill is completely pointless. its not really the coaches fault for firing them, just the rule set really. If flings had a skill worth getting then fair enough.
Posted by Ehlers on 2013-08-06 15:01:53
Well impressive none the less, but still min maxing in my eyes when you go and fire healthy players to stay low in TV.

Most rosters will min max with a roster of 11, but that does not count for flings and goblins. They are best when you have a 15 to 16 man roster where you keep your TV low in order to have an advantage in terms of numbers of players.

Tree/Trolls only get better with skills.
Fling/Goblins in terms of raw punch power does not get better by normal skills. They need to either be able to handle the ball well or do damage.
Goblins Secret Weapons too do a min maxing, you hire a chainsaw as they cost the same as a normal goblin. As soon as he gets a skill, you fire and hire since adding a skill on him is a waste, unless Dirty Player.

Goblins get cheap Bribes, which is powerful at lower TV. Most teams only have 11 man rosters, so be able to no brain foul all turns is massive.
Flings get their cook to remove the opponents RRs. This works best at lower TV where the other team does not have skill such as dodge and block to country for bad dice.

Most teams cant afford to foul stunty player as you have a big risk of getting ejected. If a stunty coach lose a stunty player because he gets banned by fouling, well nothing is really lost anyway.

So yes this is min maxing for Flings and Goblins. You want the biggest roster for the less TV you can get away with.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-08-06 15:12:06
"I think this is pretty different though Harvestmouse.

These are flings in the box. A fling with a skill is completely pointless. its not really the coaches fault for firing them, just the rule set really. If flings had a skill worth getting then fair enough."

No it's not different at all. You are falling into the stereotype that minmaxing is bad, so any minmaxing is bad to you.

Clearly in this situation minmaxing is reasonable to a large % of the community. As I said minmaxing has become synonymous with the dirtiest of tactics and a form of mild cheating. Don't get me wrong, I feel this way, more than most.

However there isn't a white line of what is minmaxing and what isn't. Also what is fair and reasonable and what is dirty. Minmaxing doesn't mean dirty tactics, it means optimising your roster by artificial team management, which is what is being done here.

Is it ok to do it in this situation? That's up to you to judge individually. Certainly it isn't the dirtiest of rosters, however no losses in 10 matches (albeit by a good coach) suggests something.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2013-08-06 15:46:19
Nice work!
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-08-06 16:30:13
Min/max with flings? Who cares there flings you still can not beat them you are bad or been very unlucky so stop being silly calling him a min/maxer!!
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-08-06 16:58:18
You either didn't read or didn't understand my point.
Posted by andr_e on 2013-08-06 18:09:03
At the end it seem like I have to work on a "minmax allert" banner for my flings more than on their logo
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-08-06 18:32:14
I don't think so. It doesn't look like many (if any) feel what you are doing is socially unacceptable.

After all, this is what flings have always done (hovering at a low weight to play newer teams), and if anything they did it better at it under older rulesets.

Personally, my only niggle would be, did the team you beat to the top play the same way? If they did, there's no moral issues at all. If they didn't well....... that's something.
Posted by andr_e on 2013-08-06 18:52:14
Hard to know since we are not talking about a single team, but 3 teams that played 7 games (2-3-2)
Anyway how can someone exploit opponents weakness when he use the weakest team ever? (maybe orge are even weaker, but I'm not sure, probably it depends on the environment)

There are teams that can minmax far better than this and I think if someone is searching for an easy win he would use zons or pact
Posted by harvestmouse on 2013-08-06 19:08:42
I agree with all those points, but not sure on exploiting weaknesses one.

I think there is room to find weakness at low TV with flings, you've shown it can be done.

Is it the best race to do this though? Certainly not. Is it even a good race? Probably not either, especially if you don't know what you are doing or have a lot of skill.
Posted by Ehlers on 2013-08-06 19:31:20
Well andr_e you are gaming the CR system, at least I can see this when I play Goblins myself.

Most of the time Flings or Goblins paired vs other teams have a rating that it is going to be hard for the stunty coach to win.

So you gain more by a win than you would lose by a loss.
You might gain 1CR by a win or lose 0,3CR by a loss.
The highest I have gained have been like 2,5CR I think.

The same thing is said when a low CR coach play vs a high CR coach.

Both these factors are included when your new CR is calculated. So if you get a strategy working that none others dont do and you do it well, it means you will gain more CR than losing.

Amazone might be a stronger or Pact at winning, but their winning % are also higher at low TV.

Flings most likely have a low winning % against most teams and at all TV levels. Also most likely most coaches cant pull of what you have pulled off, maybe by watching your reply they will have an idea. My own Goblin team in the Box had a decent winning record also by keeping my TV low with a high roster number.
Posted by andr_e on 2013-08-06 19:53:28
Even if I do not know the cr calculation sistem (like everyone but Christer and admins) I notice that cs difference between coaches is heavier than races used during the game (maybe I'm wrong); so now if I win against an average coach (cr=150) I will gain something like 0.20 to 0.30 cr, while if I draw i lose arround 1 ro 1.5 cr and if I lose my cr drops by 2 or more.
Even if using a race with a low win percentage may help on this side, it doesn't match the increase of difficulty in winning games (or at least I think so since not a lot of coaches use low tier teams and when they do their cr usually drops down)
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-08-06 20:24:25
Lol I'm in 2nd spot with a 4/0/3 record
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-08-06 20:34:05
Posted by johnalex on 2013-08-07 05:38:03
Posted by Badoek on 2013-12-10 11:32:07
It's minmaxing but that's not a bad thing when playing with flings imho.
What's up with all these panties?