Well, as you maybe know I'm pretty new over here, so as many starting coaches everyone starts with that race they own, or want to own, I guess :)
12+ years back I played most of the times with the Undead. My second team came with BB second edition + Deathzone in one package. I could choose between Orcs or the Wood Elves, and the last one made it in the end.
At some point I also purchased myself the Chaos Dwarves. So, the 3 races should be my races to here at Fumbbl.
After some games I noticed (besides I'm a hell of a coach) that I really love playing with the Woodies. Fast, Agile, but aggressive too.
So I created 2 teams. 1 starting with a Treeman/Wardancer, and the second with 2 Wardancers. And play equally with the 2 teams. Anyway, I keep loosing equally, that is for sure....
The skilling up, and receiving funds isn't something to complain about ;)