There's just something about Skaven that makes them go squish.
I played a
game today against
Jonah in which he managed to achieve a full 13 player wipeout of my team.
The only good news for me was that these sorts of games go quickly.
I suppose I should consider myself lucky that of the 8 injuries, 7 were BH and only 1 resulted in a death. Adding those injuries to a number of KO's, a previous MNG, and a foul ejection, and I was playing most of the game with ... nobody!
Though Skavens squish, the fact that I still might have played for the win shows just how explosive their offense can be.
Once someone gets around to killing my
incredible Gutter Runne (Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Strip Ball, Horns), I might be able to balance the spp on this team and return to normalcy.
Until then, May Nuffle Guard Me!
(And of course, it was the next game that was the one with the even more serious injuries)
Not Quite Mice.