College FUMBBL is looking to make it's triumphant return to FUMBBL and still has a couple of places left.
So if you're looking for something a bit different, a fluff based league join up now.
Not many places are left and the chance to be getting the team of your choice is running out.
Custom Teams, with Custom made Icons all take to the pitch in their own unique College Colours.
Random events, which could see everything from an enraged wizard trying to take out one of your players after they impregnated one of his daughters, a pacifist apothecary, who will try to heal your opponents players as well as your own, players running off to join the circus, custom star players joining your team, the list goes on
Will you prosper and raise your College up from unknown to a celebrated status, can you raise your coach rating to become renowned around the world or will you flounder as your reputation with your college weakens and find yourself looking for employment elsewhere.
Leave a reply in this blog or contact Cowhead with an application if interested in joining up and I'll get back to you with what you need to do.