Posted by maysrill on 2011-04-13 18:23:14
I might be interested once we go to FFB for League.
Posted by FreeRange on 2011-04-13 18:25:42
Same here
Posted by eisen on 2011-04-13 19:13:00
Sorry folks.The NBFL is famous for it's impaticence and reckless disregard for upcomming changes. The L changeover was forcasted about a month ago and still nobody knows when it'll happen. You can wait around if you like, the NBFL pushes foward.
Posted by Jeffro on 2011-04-14 00:23:18
Now is the perfect time to create an LRB4 league team, though, and benefit from the grandfathering into FFB. We will be transitioning into FFB once it's ready... we just won't wait indefinitely.
Bring them 4 Norse blitzers and get yourself 2 Ulfs when we make the switch! FRenZy mADnEsS!!!