This huge knockout tournament involves ALL races, played by ten coaches.
Round 3 has started - now down to 16 games. Here are some statistics to tell you about:
53 of 64 games are complete.
Only seven normal races made it to Round 3 (Amazon, Orc, Pro Elf, Slaan, Dark Elf, Snots, OWA).
Of the starting 10 coaches, 9 are still in it.
Coach progression to Round 3: Nelphine - 6; Wintergreen13 - 7; Knine - 3; Jogrenaught - 1; Xandyreoch - 6; Razmus - 4; BillBrasky - 3; Uber - 1; MrCushtie - 1.
Round 3 has already seen some action: BillBrasky and Wintergreen through with one SL team each so far.
Round 3 ends 01 Jan.
This has been such a hoot that there will be a 2nd season. If you want to get on the wait list, pm knine.
Follow all the action at:
Meatgrinder Tournament Page
Discord Match Channel (pm knine if you want an invitation)