2008-04-08 20:01:50
52 votes, rating 3.9
Since the fumbbl-birthday (so let's say this year) i didn't play a single game on fumbbl. I still think, that the birthday gifts were broken. Looking back on the last 4 month, some coaches told me, that after a certain time it wouldn't be a real problem. So let's resume some things:
The WO was really affected by the presents. Here I point especially at the missing ageing-rolls. Now the UI goes to it's final round and still many teams have been enhanced by the presents. The quota of teams for this tourney wasn't as low as some coaches thought it to be (me, too).
So now, 4month after the birthday, there are still a lot of strange teams running around. Playing for "normal" coaches becomes even more difficult.
The GLT starts next month and I predict, that a lot of "gifted" teams will apply. 3 of 5 Majors have been played in the first half year after the birthday. I recommend the next birthday to be more faithful and interesting. Take mutations, take "no dead players" because of me, set the turn limit to 2 minutes, if you like to, but leave those "no ageings" or "health potions" out. As we have seen, it works to well to be good ;-).