Posted by Cloggy on 2012-04-25 10:55:32
I have not played in the Box for a long time now, but I can give you a brief summary of why I love playing in Ranked.
The possibility to choose your own opponent means you can play the type of game you're in the mood for. If you feel like playing a WMD type of team 99% of the time this doesn't really give any added value, but for me it varies a lot. I will take matchups knowing I'll get beaten up badly when I feel like a war, I can look for a game against something silly when I'm in the mood for that.
For me it's also very nice to be able to avoid certain coaches or teambuilds. Some would say this is probably because I'm a pixelhugger, but for me some coaches or boring teams are just a waste of my limited gaming time.
The downsides are also obvious. There are coaches in Ranked who have over the years turned down every single game offer I have made them. Sometimes it can take a while to get a game, and because of people's right to refuse you can be somewhat limited in terms of teambuilding.
For me the pro's easily outweigh the cons, but each to his own of course.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-04-25 11:06:13
Cloggy nails all the points about ranked. I think if you love your fluff, then Ranked is the place to be.
Posted by koadah on 2012-04-25 11:19:28
You don't need to play in the Ranked division to use IRC.
There are many good communities on different IRC channels.
Some people may no chat much in game because their English is not that great.
Some people have a problem with the in game chat and would have told you that via IRC if you were logged in. If you are in IRC people can chat with you that way.
Some people who complain about the dice are not really that bothered they just don't use enough smilies.
Some people won't chat because for some reason they think you are an arse. But rivalries can be pretty entertaining too. ;)
Posted by garyt1 on 2012-04-25 12:48:17
I've had a similar consideration of ranked though I mostly have enjoyed Blackbox so far. Getting a quick game is a big plus. For IRC I haven't downloaded that but just simply use the java chat link in the community section.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2012-04-25 13:01:34
It's actually easier to win games without c-pomb but well done anyway.
Posted by nin on 2012-04-25 13:03:12
I haven't played in Ranked since BBox began, but I don't feel it is that bad (not anymore at least ;) )
I just thing that my "play anyone" was not correct. It may seem weird for a BBox coach, but Ranked really works (better) if you are actually a bit selective:
-First, exceptions to the rule. Legend teams with more than a thousand games, remarkable coaches like Purplechest or Christer himshelf or coaches that you know and really enjoy playing. Play them as you see fit (if they accept your challenges)
-Second, light and medium teams, try to allways challenge higher TV teams, don't accept higher TV challenges (don't feel picked, don't feel picker)
-Third, bashers, play anything within 10 TV that accepts/wants a game.
Of course, those would be my guidelines and rules are there to be broken, but if you don't set up some standards for your games in Ranked, quality may be a bit lower than expected.
...humm, and may be fishbowl (love the name, reminds me of yellow fishes) matchmaking may change it all.
Posted by Sp00keh on 2012-04-25 13:21:07
I started in ranked and now play mostly in box
I think the games you get are basically the same except more bashy.
or rather, you can't choose to avoid the basher teams
I've not noticed any significant difference in the friendlyness in either division
the main difference for me has boiled down to its easier to find a game in box, but you have to wait for the 15min timer.
in ranked, you can add to gamefinder and contact every suitable team but get no response at all for the entire 30mins before you drop off the gamefinder.
Posted by maysrill on 2012-04-25 13:57:01
Best part of Ranked is that you can play to suit your mood.
Feel like a slugfest? Plenty of bashy teams to take your offer.
Want to elfbowl? Sure.
Something in the middle? Might take a bit longer to find, but you'll find someone.
You can also learn who you have the most fun playing, and look them up when you see them online.
The only things that bother me (and neither is a dealbreaker) are the bashers who seem only to want to play weak teams, and the times when there are six coaches with like 40 teams on gamefinder, but no one seem to want to make or accept any offers.
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2012-04-25 14:31:06
Been here pretty consistently since 2003... I am a big player in all divisions, especially League (which I think is the purest BB due to the competition of league points rather than CR or TV building).
I loved the BBox in the beginning and have Box teams for nearly every race because I was happy to get a random game.
However, some matchups were disastrous and I am now playing ranked because I am trying to learn two races that need careful match selection - Pact and Underworld. It could be me, but I feel its more satisfying to massage a team to greatness through ranked rather than risked being destroyed in an unfair matchup. Underworld in particular are prone to this.
Re Chatting? I think the #fumbbl chat room has died greatly compared to 5-10yrs ago but I cant detect any real difference between ranked and BBox for in game chat. Some guys are chatty, some are not and I think if you want to chat and you keep talking the other guy will respond.
Now, I will only play BBox if I log in and the BBox will spin within 2mins of me getting on, otherwise I will largely ignore it.
Posted by Elyoukey on 2012-04-25 16:39:53
Smack is the good place to play:
no avoiding difficult opponent
nore repeating the same game against clawpomb over and over
So Ranked is the answer, but my aim is to create teams in order to enter scheduled smack.
If there were enough people for scheduled smack, Bbox would not be usefull to get a match every evening.
Posted by member1234 on 2012-04-25 16:53:51
Just for another perspective, I've been on and off fumbbl for years (mostly leagues) but never could get into ranked. (I think I had 14 games there before BBox arrived). Honestly it was the: "hey fancy X against X" wait... wait... that put me off, as well as the whole "try not to pick, try not to be picked". For better or worse that was my experience, BBox allowed me to just pick up and go.
Saying that, playing only Chaos in the Box, I'm not really enjoying the meta game at higher levels, having to build almost entirely for bash versus bash due to its prevalence. I'd much rather build a "normal" balanced Chaos side and get some variety at higher TV and I think ranked offers more of this. For this reason I've been trying to keep my Chaos in the 1500-1800TV range. (They don't dominate there, closer games, a lot more variety in the Box at that TV)
Hopefully the 'Fishbowl' will give the best of both worlds, easy matchmaking with a better choice of games. I still expect to get refused quite a bit playing a bash side, but also get more variety. I'm waiting for it to give ranked a good run in any case.
As for the chat, I can't compare to ranked but I've had plenty of good banter in the Box. Still the odd coach that silent (no worries, bit boring) or an arse, but that's true anywhere. Being able to refuse/avoid the rare irksome coaches would be nice.
Posted by happygrue on 2012-04-25 17:19:33
I enjoy playing both Box and Ranked, depending on my mood and other factors (I find that "having fun playing ogres" is strongly correlated to "beer consumption", for example, and in those cases maybe you don't want to play one of your "real" teams anyway).
I think both divisions have advantages and disadvantages from a purely fun point of view. Playing against so many boring bash teams in the box gets old, but the thrill of random matchups can also be great. Trying to find fair games in ranked sometimes seems impossible (Hey, I want to play against your ogres...), and the teams you do play against are often designed with picking in mind so the skill choices can be really stacked against certain matchups. If you're like me and just mostly accept any match that is offered that means you are going to end up with some even more one sided matchups than what you get in the box (where good coaches are going to be prepared for anything). But both divisions are fun, IMHO - so give ranked a try and if you like it then keep a foot in both camps!
Posted by Calcium on 2012-04-25 20:19:12
Mix & match like a $10 hooker
I love a bit of R & B
Posted by hale on 2012-04-25 20:22:49
i've had great fun playing almost exclusively ogres, snotlings and halflings in the box. instead of trying to out-cheese opponents with optimal minmax builds and the like - i decided to take the opposite route and purposely disadvantage myself despite already being far more inexperienced than the average box coach to begin with. the way this works for me is to be given the greatest possible challenge which is what i find enjoyable (along with playing fluff heavy teams and characters)