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Last seen 8 weeks ago
Bileman (11533)
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2012-12-25 19:32:43
rating 3.5


2010-03-10 23:50:14
rating 3.6
2010-03-10 23:50:14
86 votes, rating 3.6
I was banned for tournaments... today at 22:00.
That happened because i didnt PM the admins and my opo and me wasnt able to play the game before 22:00, but we thougth that deathline is at 24:00.

No clue in the tournament page, tournaments rule page, official tournamentes page about the hour of closing deathline, and few months ago i played games wednesdays at 23:00 without problems.....

But the fact is that after explain it to PurpleChest im banned, and i will miss the next major...

I think that isnt fair...

Probably im a cheater i need to be punished (i dont think s)...

Thats my first blog entry in 7 years playing here... yes, i was here before PC, but he must give me leassons about the site (second ban in three months...)

As allways sorry about my english


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Posted by erased000019 on 2010-03-11 03:22:47
Sounds pretty lame, but not that surprising. Sorry man.
Posted by Jeffro on 2010-03-11 03:36:38
Seems harsh... though I'd like to see if an admin has a answer to complaint. I'm sure it's to the effect of:

Here's the rules: Here's the punishment: No favors to anyone shown: Sorry Charlie - you're S.O.L.

Maybe this is a good lesson to anyone to not wait until the last minute to play your games and if it's going to be anywhere close to the wire, let the admins know ahead of time and ask for leniency before the fact.
Posted by avien on 2010-03-11 04:34:16
I belive we have only heard one side to the story.
Posted by Woodstock on 2010-03-11 04:36:31
Always contact the admins if the game gets finished late... always... You forgot, your own fault. I believe PC even send out an news item about this subject.
Posted by Frankenstein on 2010-03-11 05:06:09
Now, if they indeed intended to play at 22:00 because they were truly thinking that the deadline would be 24:00, then that would surely be epically unfortunate.
Posted by Prinz on 2010-03-11 05:21:22
Maybe rethink applying for a tournament when you've got less than 2 hours free in a week. Especially if those 2 hours are on the day of the deadline.
Posted by CircularLogic on 2010-03-11 09:51:23
The deadline used to be at midnight from Wednesday to Thursday. That meant that coaches living on bbtime would have to work until 1:30 am just to sort through tourneys, send out PMs etc. which is bad if you have to get up early next morning to go to work.

Therefore the deadline was moved to 22:00bbtime on Wednesday. This move was announced in a news item as far as I can remember. Mind you, that up to that point you can start your match, as we check the current matches list before banning and forfeiting.

Your responsibility as a coach is to inform your admin if there are any problems and not being able to play your match until 2 hours before the deadline can be a problem. Lets say you start late and the match goes into overtime - and due to a reload it doesn`t appear on the games page.
We admins follow procedure. Your match hasn`t started at the deadline + noone had contacted the admin responsible = Cointoss forfeit and ban for both.

We always encourage coaches to keep their admin informed and by including us into your PM conversation as soon as you feel you might perhaps run late, you avoid any ban. Is it so hard to drop us a line?

This isn`t your first ban, which leads you to the conclusion, that PC - not the guy who banned you, but the one who reduced your ban upon appeal - is out to get you? And because you are here on the site longer than he is he hasn`t got the right?

I`d rather say, invest as much work into the site as he does, then you might talk about seniority.
Posted by Frankenstein on 2010-03-11 12:05:35
"yes, i was here before PC, but he must give me leassons about the site"

By the way: I doubt that so meaningless an argument is in any way beneficial to your cause, to be honest...
Posted by Gromrilram on 2010-03-11 12:07:33
excellent response by circ
Posted by BeeRTRuCK on 2010-03-11 14:48:10
good work fumbbl admins. now if you can just ban another 5-600 coaches i can be number 1. muwhahahahaha
Posted by blader4411 on 2010-03-11 16:59:48
Reading through the conditions (and the frankly apalling argument against the ban), I do believe that it was well deserved. Rules are rules, no exception.
Posted by Chrome_ghoul on 2010-03-11 17:31:36
Always read the tourney rules before you sign up to one. Always make sure you can play your games in a timely manner. This is the main reason I don't play tourneys, I can never be certain I'll have the time.
Take the ban in your stride and be a bit more careful next time.
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2010-03-11 18:32:04
circular nailed it on the head...

disregard moarfael's crying...

fact...purplechest didn't ban you....purplechest wasn't the one administrating your particular bracket...so why don't you make sure your facts are accurate in the future?...

additionally....your ban was 100% accurate, since you didn't follow the rules that have been in place long before this tournament.....you didn't notify a tourney administrator...

the notice that tourney staff work begins at 22:00 bbtime, happened long before your ban...

long and short...people need to quit thinking they can wait until the last second to do things, and slide by without some sort of repercussion...why didn't you notify the administrators before hand?....why didn't you send a PM to the tourney admin on tuesday to say "we may not finish our game in time?"...

contrary to what some of the peons like moarfael want to think, the tourney staff are very, very lenient....we will work with anyone, as long as they talk to us about their issues and try to get their matches resolved....we don't randomly go through and start banning people for the lulz....

if you had contacted the tourney staff beforehand, instead of waiting until the very last second(and not even contacting the staff at all), i'm sure we could have worked out a solution that would work for everyone involved, or at a minimum, would have avoided any sort of negative repercussion for you....

and seriously...you're going to complain that someone who has been on this site since 2003(almost 7 years), but has been here 1 month less than you, is chastising you?...get over yourself....

hey guess what...i've been here 2 months less than you....but i've been here since november 2003...and from someone who has been for 6 1/2 years(but apparently 2 months less than you)....

Posted by Twonky on 2010-03-11 18:47:45
I love how in his profile theres a statement which says Dont moan I dont moan. I think this counts as moaning
Posted by DonTomaso on 2010-03-11 21:56:45
Circular Logic and Shadow are correct on this one. Although it wasn't on purpose, it broke the rules...

I haven't seen admins ban people for laughs, although some reasons might be seen as shady reasons. They do an excellent job to keep the site running smoothly, though. And that's their job.

Otherwise, I agree with BeerTruck.
Posted by rafadavila on 2010-03-11 22:12:17
ok, lets see if i can explain everything:(hard to me explain in english)

If in the rules, official rules, official tournament rules, site rules, you cant find that deathline is at 22:00 prolly that isnt a true rule, if i post something in the forum probably nobody will consider it as a true rule.

For Frankenstein and others: If when you talk with an admin and u argue something and his answer is probably you are rigth but this way u will learn something...... probably u can say that he isnt the person to teach u anything about the site.

For chrome_goul and prinz:i think i know tournament rules and i play a lot of in this site, i dont use to have problems schelduing (most coaches know that i use to be easy to find here to play), but sometimes no way to play vs some other coaches with diferent time zones.

For Blader4411, if u find it in the rules...... rules are rules, no rules are no rules....

For CL, admin work is hard work (as always thanks to all admins that work here, we all know is a very important work, and isnt easy), but as admins is your resposibility do the best to help all player and no punish if the fault isnt a important fault.

And probably this counts as moaning you are rigth, but in game i never moan
Posted by Synn on 2010-03-11 23:26:57
First off all, the greatest fault and issue here was the game being played at the last minute without informing the admins. Just a 1 minute PM would have helped your cause.

Admins can and do work with you on scheduling issues.

That being said, one very very small fault I have with this situation is the fact that rules are often not documented in a unified place. Sometimes, newsposts have a rule and the tourney page doesn't. Or a forum post communicates something. I think we all need to be more cognizant of getting the full scoop.

Aside from shadow, the tourney admins do a wonderful job in this environment. Much better than Ze Angie used to do with all tourneys being carbon copies of themselves.

Shadow is an evil fatty who sweats butter.


Posted by DonTomaso on 2010-03-11 23:43:38
Well, you're playing now... so something happened.. :)
Posted by PurpleChest on 2010-03-12 00:03:00
The ban is only for Tournaments.

It is the second ban you have recieved in 3 months. usually in such cases an extra premium would be levied and the second ban increased. I didn't feel this was appropriate.

Your first ban was reduced on appeal based laregely on your past reputation and postitive contribution to Fumbbl Tournaments. You attitude to this ban has been entirely different, also some of that good name capital was recently spent.

I investigated the ban once you raised it with me but saw, and still see, no reason to lift or lighten it.

If any game is going to get near to the deadline, it is, and always will be, your responsibility to inform the admin responsible for your particular tournament/draw. Nowadays all you have to do is invite us to the talk you had arranging the time for your game.

I have still not been invited to any chat proving you had the game scheduled between 22:00 and 24:00 bbtime Wednesday. As surely this chat exists it is exactly the proof you could and should have raised when we discussed your ban.

As to the clarity of the rules, there maybe there is a point we can learn from. Over the next week i have a break from my currently hectic work schedule and will review and update the official rules with the new stuff from the yearly review thread.

But as i explianed several times, even that 2 hr gap of understanding does not excuse the total lack of contact over the game being scheduled at all, let alone close to the deadline.

The ban stands. It is already lenient for not adding a second 'recent offence' extra tarriff.

All we ask is reasonable effort to play, and the 10 seconds it takes to add our name to chat setting things up with your opponent.
Posted by Sionis on 2010-03-12 01:24:28
Rules are rules and house always wins. Remember that lesson well.
Posted by Qaz on 2010-03-12 10:49:00
accept in this case there is no house. Tournament admins dont win. we see it as a loss to the tournament every time we hand out a ban.
Posted by adambomb on 2010-03-12 20:24:40
I see 2 lessons here:

FOR YOU: you should have contacted the admins

FOR ADMINS: coaches shouldn't have to hunt in vain for the actual time deadline, especially if it has changed from the norm (22:00 instead of 24:00). it should be posted clearly in an easy-to-find place (like the tournament page or official rules) and not be some esoteric thing that only the admins are aware of.

I too was under the impression that cut-off time was 24:00 and was not aware that it changed.

Posted by shadow46x2 on 2010-03-13 16:11:22
that'd be true...

if lots of coaches were having the same problem...

you two are the only ones that have ever mentioned it...

and this is the only time it's ever presented as being a problem....

again, this entire issue can be resolved if the coaches involved would take more responsibility in notifying an administrator of the status of their match....as we've asked time, and time, and time again....instead of waiting until the exact last second...