My main team Death is Forever is looking for a memerable match for its 100th match!! The team is currently at Tv 1650 after losing both of its experienced mummies.
Team Link:
In its first 99 games i have faced some well known teams with mixed results but always have had some fun
1-0-2 vs Provo's Up to Scale Lizards
1-1-0 vs Fela's Virus Nurgle
0-1-0 vs liquidorange's Rain's Task Force CP
1-0-0 vs Carlo's Angry Newscasters (2 skulls Given to him)
1-0-0 vs Painstate's Bloodsea bucs Humans
1-0-0 vs Rabe's Agility Monsters Dwarfs
1-0-2 vs Skeloboy's Rotten Flesh Rats (0-2 Recently Im coming for you dude)
I would love to face a good coach who wants to chat and have fun while i yell at my guys for game 100. Who is interested?