Yeah, as life is a circle so blood bowl is... And, as everything here, this ELF season is not an exception.
Elvish Marmelade played their match N° 77 to perform this season's Cycle Completion and take back the lead from
Loths forsaken's hands... But
this last win (the 50th in team's history) came with a hard price to pay... But let's proceed with order.
A Khemri team can be fearsome. A 13 players Khemri team with multiple DPs makes more fear. A 13 players Khemri team with multiple DPs, a Str5 Ma7 Blitz-Ra and enough inducements to buy both Ramtut and Hack is mind blowing.
For the first time i was forced to play without bashing (yeah, i love to bash with elves too, don't tell the others), performing 11 blocks during the whole match... And when you're not bashing you're bashed, so here comes the price:
Glucose, our Field Captain and oldest player found the end of his story after 74 games when trying to avoid the opponent's team attack to get theyr game going again.
Gangfouled? Nope. 3db TackleMBPO? Neither. He failed a dodge. That's what makes me sad... a great life calls a great end, this is more humiliating than Deadpool's role in X-Men Origins.
However, Elvish Marmelade took the lead of this ELF season once again. Cya Captain, your team retires N°7. Respect!