Posted by Calcium on 2010-01-07 22:16:53
You're moaning about stalling, yet at the end of the blog you admit you stall. Massive Blog FALE. Rated 1 cause you're talking crap.
Posted by pythrr on 2010-01-07 22:17:47
Posted by koga49 on 2010-01-07 22:21:16
i only see four 1-1 draws on your first matches page - i only have four 1-1 draws on my first matches page so i don't believe its that bigger problem.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2010-01-07 22:21:29
I haven't played any games in Blackbox yet, so I can't comment on any phenomena occuring there.
In other formats that I have played (League, Ranked, Academy), it isn't really a goal to end the game in a 1-1 tie, but rather the result of another tactic not working (i.e. bashy teams kicking off first to force a squishier team to score early, giving the bashy coach 2 opportunities to score). However, sometimes a coach may realize in the middle of a game that he can't win and opt to preserve the tie at all costs.
If it is happening to you a lot, check the strategy articles in the forums for ideas on how to break cages and stop your opponent from stalling. Change your style of play to shake things up as well. And stop stalling with elves! If you can successfully stall without taking massive casualties with them, you can also score twice in a half :)
Posted by uzkulak on 2010-01-07 23:26:38
Hehe. Before too many more perfectly good English speakers come on here and start misspelling perfectly simply words, let me just clarify something.
Im not complaining about stalling. It is an essential tactic, you cant win games (in BB at least) without doing it.
I am complaining about the safety first attitude that seems to permeate the box. Its not as bad as the blitz, cage, foul of lrb3 - but it could be a lot better.
Posted by pythrr on 2010-01-07 23:41:56
"simply words"?
Posted by pythrr on 2010-01-07 23:42:10
moar fael
Posted by Warmaster on 2010-01-08 10:52:23
Every tactic has an equal or more potent retaliation. Whinging just shows you haven't yet found the response needed and means your blog is gibberish from the untrained mind.
Grasshopper need more training!
Posted by Calcium on 2010-01-08 11:13:38
This blog needs another coat of FALE painted on it.....
Posted by easilyamused on 2010-01-08 12:02:32
did he really just say you cannot win games without stalling?
then how do you explain the 5-0 and 6-0 games you see where woodies or rats have just run all around their opponents?
Posted by Cavetroll on 2010-01-08 16:07:14
easilyamused said "then how do you explain the 5-0 and 6-0 games you see where woodies or rats have just run all around their opponents?"
Oh, there may have been stalling attempted, but you can bet it wasn't the woodies or rats who were running up the score! It's quite rewarding when a woody or rat team can get the ball away from a bashy stalling team and score... yet again! Of course, if you are playing the bashy team, it can be quite frustrating.
Posted by Frankenstein on 2010-01-08 20:14:59
Turn 8?
Turn 8 is all about fouling anyway! =]
Posted by Raasted on 2010-01-10 00:29:59
Frankenstein obviously states the truth.
(and maybe the blog had sounded better if it had been called "It's all about turn16").
And turn16, as everyone knows, is ALL about the fouling.
And sometimes about the hitting the cat with the keyboard.
But mostly about the fouling. ;)