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Last seen 15 years ago
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2009-03-18 19:46:18
rating 3.2
2009-03-12 15:06:23
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2009-03-04 18:56:22
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2009-01-16 06:05:20
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2009-01-11 01:29:35
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2008-12-28 09:38:29
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2008-12-18 16:50:03
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2008-12-03 18:32:23
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2009-03-04 18:56:22
33 votes, rating 3.8
Justice for Darfur

The International Criminal Court has issued an unprecendented arrest warrant for Darfur's president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

Over 300,000 people have been killed since 2003 by government sponsored Arab militia in an orchestrated terror campaign that specifically targeted civilians.

Sudanese soldier talks about how he was ordered to rape and kill children.

Why is Darfur being relatively ignored by the media? Here's what I found when I searched on the following sites for "darfur" in 2009. I also searched on Gaza for comparison.

Darfur - 16 hits
Gaza - 385 hits

Darfur - 64 hits
Gaza - 1026 hits

London Times
Darfur - 46 hits
Gaza - 400+ hits

Amnesty International
Darfur - 20 hits
Gaza - 57 hits

Why are the media so out of sync with Amnesty?

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Posted by fly on 2009-03-04 19:01:49
Why do the U.S., Europe and Arab Countries pay 2 billion dollars for destruction caused by Israel?
Double morale everywhere. Maybe Bono should stop clapping...
When there's no precious good like morale or resources involved, nobody cares.
Posted by PhrollikK on 2009-03-04 19:28:47
Yeah just another backwash country somewhere south of Europe.

Israel somehow gets all the attention in media, warranted or not. I remember the Congo wars which IIRC caused 3 million(!) civilians to die in Rwanda. It got a small column in the newspapers at the time. Disgraceful.
Posted by Nemeton on 2009-03-04 19:39:18
Not only is the Dafur conflict "old new" for the media and as such no longer hot and interesting, it also doesn't involve politically important people or regions. Its totally hypocrisy but it is also very much a realism approach to the conflicts, only the "important" conflicts, places, people matter, the rest are used/ignored at will.

The conflict involving Israel is much more interesting for people around the world because so many Jews and Palestinians have migrated to places all over the globe and they have gained various degrees of influence in those places which puts greater focus on any conflict where either people in involved.
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-03-04 20:17:09
dont get involved or they will use all airplanes as weapons against the US!!!!
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-03-04 20:19:15
and then they gonna kill the first gentleman erm lady!!!!! its true!!!!!! i know its going to happen!!!!!!! they have the technology!!!!!!!!!
they actually controll the US gouvernment already!!!!!!!
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2009-03-04 20:38:15
wtf does any of this have to do with the US?....

might want to watch what you say, wreckage, lest people start bring up the nazi jokes

Posted by Azor on 2009-03-04 22:19:49
The sad thing is that people in ritch countries care more about saving banks than saving what they regard as "a few poor guys from somewhere in Africa".

Actually, genocides have always existed. We all know about the holocaust organized and industrialized by nazis, but today some carry on denying this. How could mankind prevent such things nobody can understand ? Life is unfair, and men are weak, that's all.

@shadow46x2 : I did not see the nazi point in wreckage joke, probably cultural misunderstanding but If you could explain...
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2009-03-04 23:52:06
azor, it was a response to wreckage's kneejerk 9/11 jokes....

which frankly...it's time to move on....we don't mock the jewish community for being victims of the holocaust...it'd be nice to see the rest of the world not mocking the US for being victims of an atrocious act....

Posted by Azor on 2009-03-05 01:21:18
I agree, whoever is a victim deserve a bit of respect. I think Wreckage was trying to criticize the political reactions to this awful day and not to mock the victims. That was not a clever approach though and I understand you point of view.
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2009-03-05 01:30:49
Talk about sick priorities. Compare 9/11 to the daily indifference of the privileged minority to the fact that:

"Around the world, some 26,500 children die every day.

That is equivalent to:

* 1 child dying every 3 seconds
* 18 children dying every minute
* A 2004 Asian Tsunami occurring every week
* An Iraq-scale death toll every 15–36 days
* Almost 10 million children dying every year
* Some 60 million children dying between 2000 and 2006

The silent killers are poverty, hunger, easily preventable diseases and illnesses, and other related causes. In spite of the scale of this daily/ongoing catastrophe, it rarely manages to achieve, much less sustain, prime-time, headline coverage."

Posted by Meech on 2009-03-05 02:30:15
Evo, what country gives the most money to charity and humanitarian efforts world wide.
Posted by EvolveToAnarchism on 2009-03-05 06:56:01
Do you mean official Foreign Development Assistance as measured by % of GDP? Or non-tied aid? Or individual private donations?

The answer will vary depending on which you choose. But the key thing is that the wealthiest 2% of the population continue to horde vast sums of money while the innocent die due to their psychopathy. :(
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-03-05 11:14:23
shadow i wasn't referring to 9/11... i was referring to 24...

wich some people then again see a as related to 9/11.. now i could go really deep into this.. i could explain, how much this has to do with dafur really... i could go seriously but i won't because its pointless, you obviously failed to understand my implications...

...when you start paniking like that the moment someone uses the word "airplane" and "crash" i dont see for you any hope in the future to live a normal live... you guys really should stop with your paranoia its not just annoying its dangerous...
Posted by westerner on 2009-03-05 15:57:40
I think Nemeton's remarks were insightful. I guess we must conclude that although Darfur dwarfs Gaza in casualties (~300k to ~2k), Gaza dwarfs Darfur in political importance. I recognize there is a cynical and sad truth to this, but then we must recognize that humanitarian arguments in Gaza are in fact tinged - heavily, if the casualty numbers are any guide - with poltical overtones.
Posted by Synn on 2009-03-05 18:20:23
Well Europe, this is why its nice to have an army once in a while. Mock us for how we have used it recently, but we did get involved in Kosovo and Bosnia.

You guys can handle Darfur right? It is right there and you guys did pretty much carve up Africa once?

**Awareness in Gaza has to do with the Palestinian cause being linked to terrorists who actually have nothing to do with it. The day a group of suicide bombers reference al-Bashir you will see a lot more people searching google to find out where Darfur is.
Posted by Azor on 2009-03-05 19:36:55
I don't understand you guys... someone points something horrible happening while nobody moves... then the conversation turns into a contest of "my country helps more than yours".
The only thing we need to remember is that none of our countries will have saved Darfur. None of our countries helps Africa as much as we could. Due to the colonies, pilliage and slavery, we have to help now countries our ancestors contributed to destroy. But we're more interested in saving our banks and industries even if they have provoked today's economical depression.
If everyone would accept his responsabilities the world would be nice. But nobody here can say his country does enough. For my part, I feel guilty and shameful because France has been useless (as usual) in these sad events .
Posted by westerner on 2009-03-05 21:56:16
The Darfur government today expelled the following charities from the country:

CARE International
International Rescue Committee
Medecines Sans Frontiers-Holland
Medecines Sans Frontiers-France
Action Contre La Faim-France
CHF International-US
Mercy Corps-US
Norwegian Refugee Council
Save the Children Fund-UK
Save the Children Fund-US

The world wants to help. The world IS helping. But when al-Bashir refuses aid, then stronger measures are called for.
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2009-03-08 16:23:22
Evo said:
Do you mean official Foreign Development Assistance as measured by % of GDP? Or non-tied aid? Or individual private donations?

The answer will vary depending on which you choose. But the key thing is that the wealthiest 2% of the population continue to horde vast sums of money while the innocent die due to their psychopathy. :(

No Evo the answer doesn't vary on this respect. In all respects it is the US that gives the most world aid. It is also the US that gives the most of it's own blood to try liberating the world from what ails it.

And what ails the world? It is not a lack of food, or money, or the presence of disease, or bands of murdering thugs. What ails the world is lack of FREEDOM. Because truly free people find a way to get food, medical care, and other life staples. Truly free people find ways to band together and depose bands of murderous thugs.

But as you are an anarchist I realize you are only complaining to cause more anarchy. It cannot be that you care about these peoples suffering. As a anarchist I am sure you are overjoyed with all that misery and human suffering. Because they are living and dying under the rule of Anarchy.
Posted by Azor on 2009-03-08 17:41:39
Catalyst said : blah blah my contry is better blah blah we give money an blood...
I could answer blah blah your bombs kill children so blood is a deserved loss blah blah your gifts are ridiculous when compared with US ressources blah blah... but I won't say that.

What I'll ask is : Show me your help about north corea, or tibet... When will you help chinese people to be free ? Will you quit Irak as you ran away from vietnam, letting slaughters happen (slaughter we could wonder if they would have been is US had not "come to help then fled".

The true thing is that the US make a lot of wars for a lot of reasons (petrol, money, saving politics, diversion...) but if we point the lack of truth in these reasons, then you name french fries "freedom fries" ! In France we still laugh about this pityful joke.
Posted by PainState on 2009-03-13 05:26:50
Azor: So you advocate War with China to free the people of China and Tibet and by doing so help the people of Darfur?

Who exactly is going to fight this war to Free all these people?

Are the nations of Western Europe really ready to stand up like a man and fight for what is right? or are they just going sulk behind the United States and see how it plays out and then join in after they can see how its going?