W.I.L.I.E.S division or White Isle League Indestructible Extreme Stunty Division, is a spin off of the
White Isle League and is opening it's doors to fill up the last few spots for season 2!
Anyone who is interested in being part of this truly awesome league of competitive stunty play who can commit to the season should PM me to indicate their interest.
The league will have a round robin set up with a Premiership and 2 conferences, rules are pretty similar to the WIL, and all new teams will start in the lower (conferences) tier.
If all this sounds appealing and you have some previous Stunty experience (however little) apply today by PM! Priority will be given to those coaches who live within 2 timezones of GMT
We are aiming to start the new season in around a weeks time
Edit: Links not working
I'm a noob at this, here's the proper urls