Anuphaton, commissioner of the Khemri Premier League, has been sacked and tossed into an active volcano after the fiasco that was the Season 8 KPL Final.
the game itself was a back and forth nail-biter with blood, bones, and plenty more, King Settra was disgusted by the high amount of passing in the game, which he found un-Khemri-like.
As he began to look more attentively, it appeared to him that many players were not quite dessicated, and he now suspects that vampires have taken a hold of KPL up to its highest levels. King Settra is of course mistaken. Anphaton, before his forced volcano-side vacation, released a statement denouncing these spurious rumors. "By denouncing these players as vampires, Tomb King Settra demeans the impressive passing achievements of his skeletal players". There is no evidence that Vampires have infiltrated the KPL - it would be impossible for Lahmian Vampires to control such a powerful sport body with no one noticing.
In other news, Tomb King Settra is reportedly please at the progress made in combating the dust goblin plague, and will soon award a throne of bones made of the dead goblins, and also of the bones of the former commissioner Anuphaton, who we are told will not be needing them in the future.
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