Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-09-26 07:31:47
Whaaaat?! Do loners not add to tv at all or something?
Posted by animefreak2599 on 2015-09-26 08:09:55
Here's how it works. Loners are only added to your team during the inducements phase, so for matchmaking they don't count for anything but when you actually get into a game they give your opponent a ton of free inducements. It's seriously busted. There's also currently a bug where spending your treasury on inducements doesn't actually cost you the gold, but that's a really awful bug and not something intentional like the terribad matchmaking(which I'm told is the same in blood bowl 1).
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-09-26 08:26:22
Ah right. Yeah it's pretty insane always getting matched up as a massive TV overdog but at least they count for inducements. It is indeed the same in BB1 heh.
Posted by Silent_Hastati on 2015-09-26 08:28:34
I dunno I love those matches. I just target their precious TV abuse player and gang foul them until they ragequit.
Posted by koadah on 2015-09-26 09:55:14
I thought that they fixed that in BB1
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2015-09-26 12:49:30
They didn't. They fixed JM not counting for TV AT ALL lol.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-09-26 15:14:27
I was drunk, but I watched a stream where the kick off was a quick snap. I'm not sure what happened next but it looked like a blitz but opposite. Do their QS's get free movement?
Posted by Uedder on 2015-09-26 16:13:53
@HM I think that's called turn 1? :P
Posted by harvestmouse on 2015-09-26 23:00:10
T1! Crazy.....what are they going to do next! He definitely rolled QS and there was no could have been that he just ignored the QS and moved on to turn 1. I left or passed out or something soon after.