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Last seen 2 years ago
Win Percentage
2021-06-21 02:26:40
17 votes, rating 5.6

Editorial note by Gozip Blanka

Thank you and welcome to the start of something great I hope. Long an admirer of the SCRIBBL I went on a journey of self reflection and wanted to start giving to something that has given me so much. Not a successful Blood Bowl career myself, dam that tackle from Varag (spitz)....hoho....no not that Varag but I'll edit that part out so I can dream and you can speculate.

Anyhow I just wanted to state that opinions and comments are taken out of context, spun like a spinny thing (we dont have wind turbines yet!) and my word is final. If you dont like it don't buy it, but be make sure to make a donation to (blood welcome) the fumbbl gods. Not Nuffle I hear you ask?? Didn't I tell you what happened with Varag.

Right this first issue is a pilot WIP thing, the aim is to release it once a season with major coverage from the Eastern Steppes and the Mountains of Mourn, and ofc tid bits from around the other non important parts of the wolrd!

So without further ado.....enjoy and Ill speak next season

"Gozip Blanka"


Well what a tight season down in the Eastern Steppes and the Mountains of Mourn with only 5 points splitting top to bottom. Everything to play for going into the last round (hypothetically if the Tyrants had taken victory over the Horsemen the league would have had a 3 point difference from top to bottom), but whats this the bone head Ogres have gone for some warm weather training on the coast of Gnoblar Country, the Sea of Dread. Unfortunately they were enjoying training on the beach so much they forgot they had one more game to go.


Winner of the Coveted CIBBL ESMM Regional

Horsemen of the Great Kurgan

Horseman of the Great KurganKurgan3/1/13-2 (+1)6-11 (-4)
Khonres DoombringersChaos2/1/14-3 (+1)17-18 (-1)
Grimbonian GiantzOrcs1/4/07-5 (+2)26-12 (+14)
Beegrok Massif MobOrc Big Uns1/2/23-4 (-1)17-15 (+2)
Wrathgate BattleforgedChaos Pact1/2/22-4 (-2)16-15 (+1)
Mountains of Mourn TyrantsOgre Kingdom0/3/25-6 (-1)16-27 (-11)

1st place: Horsemen of The Great Kurgan
Prestige Points Earned: 170

2nd place: Khorne's Doombringers
Prestige Points Earned: 130 (and -70 Achiev.)

3rd place: Grimbonian Giantz
Prestige Points Earned: 100 (and 40 Achiev.)

4th place: Beegrok Massif Mob
Prestige Points Earned: 60 (and -20 Achiev.)

5th place: Wrathgate Battleforged
Prestige Points Earned: 50

6th place: Mountains of Mourn Tyrants
Prestige Points Earned: 30

Horsemen of the Great Kurgans route

R1 v Beegrok Massif Mob
R2 v Khornes Doombringers
R3 v Grimbonian Giantz
R4 v Wrathgate Battleforged
R5 v Where are those ogres???

And a sad farewell to

Nabster and the Beegrok Massif Mob after 49 games and mixed successes Nabster is moving onto something new. And with that we welcome SanKuKai and the Qshork Mighty Drumz


CIBBL - Y8, Spring - Eastern Steppes and Mountains of Mourn Regional

Spill Blood and Rage On!

Awarded to best players of Eastern Steppes and Mountains of Mourn Regional.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.

Grugen Gashnak (Grimbonian Giantz) [SPP]
Dratguz (Grimbonian Giantz) [Fouls]
Steelscar (Khorne's Doombringers) [Scoring Thrower, Triple]

Star Player

Awarded to any player reaching 51+ SPP. Player is recognized as one of the absolute stars of the league.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.

Grugen Gashnak (Grimbonian Giantz)

Super Star Player

Awarded to any player reaching 76+ SPP. Player is recognized as a super star of the league.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.

Ricko Thunderguts (Mountains of Mourn Tyrants)

Beware – Supreme Killer!

Awarded when a player kills another player that has earned the Super Star Achievement.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.

Greta Dumberg (Mountains of Mourn Tyrants) fouled Smod (Khorne's Doombringers) in this match.

Target Eliminated

Awarded when a player kills another player that has earned at least one Achievement worth at least 10 Prestige Points.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.

Grut G'fart Krut (Mountains of Mourn Tyrants) blocked Bukkit (Beegrok Massif Mob) in this match.
Greta Dumberg (Mountains of Mourn Tyrants) fouled Smod (Khorne's Doombringers) in this match.

Triple X

Awarded to player hitting 3+ casualties in one match.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.

Morgur Slogga (Beegrok Massif Mob) in this match.
Ultheg Gromgut (Grimbonian Giantz) in this match.

Players with achievements that changed their forms and/or teams


Bukkit (Beegrok Massif Mob) (30 Achiev.) was blocked by Grut G'fart Krut (Mountains of Mourn Tyrants) in this match.
Smod (Khorne's Doombringers) (70 Achiev.) was fouled by Greta Dumberg (Mountains of Mourn Tyrants) in this match.


Hrozulr (Khorne's Doombringers) (10 Achiev.)

Fallen comrades, assainated enemies, farewell retirements. Stars that came to an end on the pitch one way or another

(51+spp, the unskilled dont matter, or a stack of achievements)

Smod5-4-3-9Blodge, Tackle, Claw, MB
Gorsnarl Ironhide5-4-2-9Block, Guard, Tackle, MB
Bukkit6-2-4-8Dodge, RS, Stunty, Sneaky Git

"After the last round of CIBBL Spring, Lord Jarulek decided to make a surprise appearance in the Doombringers dugout, to congratulate them for a well fought season. But as soon as he arrived he saw that something was not right.
- Ludus, where is Smod? I wish to commend my Starplayer for another bloody display. I've heard that he achieved 5 casualties in this last match.
- My Lord, errr... I need to inform you of some tragic events..."

Other notable mentions
(below 51spp but at least 1 skill, cmon there has to be a lower class with no mention somewhere!)
RIP :-
Varaklor Goresplitter
Dirty Socks
Kweega Goldvolt
Tetzil Stonebleeded
Retired :-
Tales of Cormac


Fuggbang picks up a Niggle


Ever wanted to know where your local teams come from and a bit of their history?...... no oh well turn the page then

This season we take a look at Grimbonia home to the Grimbonian Giantz, ooh RAA.

Located near one of the first tributaries to the River Ruin, on the northern side of the Mountain of Mourn, north of the Ancient Giant land and south of the chaos Wastes, not far from the creeping caves lye a region of fertie plains known as Grimbonia in the South East of the Eastern Steppes.

A successful Orc colony had established itself in a more peaceful lifestyle. Protected by the mountains there only real enemy apart from infighting amongst orc tribes, was the random Chaos Wastes whose eyes always seem focused elsewhere in the world.

The region took its name from the local big guys who always looked down on the smaller Orcs ('grim' green - 'bones' big guys Nickname for smaller mortals). The Orcs without caring for the meaning behind a word always being referred to as Grimbons by the natives simply inherited the name when the colony was brought under the rule of the wise Grull Daleg.

Grull and the civil war

Tribal rivalries is always common in Orc colonies and this one was no different. Half being torn by greed and what the chaos Wastes could promise them from rich pillaged lands elsewhere in the world. It seemed nothing could stop the mutiny of locals seeking riches as promised. Step forward Grull Daleg. The Dalegs were held in high acclaim amongst all greenskins, fiercely loyal, caring, and some of the toughest mortals in the old world. They also brought the unusual trait of wisdom to the table. Seeing the increase in Chaos warbands recruiting or torturing those that rejected, the Dalegs knew they had to defend their wayz. Venturing South through the mountain passes they found and befriended some ogres and gnoblars who liked the sound of the fight and promises of land north of the mountains.

So Grull Daleg, Born Oster (Ogre Lord) and Vipra Dribla (Gnoblar Chief) marched back raising their armies en route to quell the Chaotic disturbance and set free the locals from these warped lies.

"On the 3rd morning of the 2nd moon Grull and his Allies finally reached the plains of Grimbonia only to be horrified of the towering Chaos monstrosities they faced already sieging the lands, not to mention seeing his brethren line up alongside.

For GrimboniaAAAAas the 3 leaders charged forwards armies roaring behind them. Archers popping up from tunnels everywhere hearing Grulls stampede and letting loose before the crash of metal on metal as the plains was filled with thunder and blood. It was said the battle could be heard in far off lands. It lasted a day, a long day. By the end fatigue had taken most of the mortals as the Eye moved away with its monsters defeated.

After the battle of Skullz Deep Grull thanked his Allies and made true of his promises to give land. He brought together the tribes that were left and united in their equality started to build Grimdon of Grimbonia, the regions capital.

The Ripple

After the war and many generations of Cathay whispers later, the increasing greed from trade routes through the Eastern Steppes, came disaster. The eye of Chaos shifted back once more at the mercantilism happenings on its doorstep. The eye of Chaos remembering the previous battle called forth the full power of chaos rippling the lands, collapsing into chasms, lava spewing everywhere as mountains shattered up from the abyss completely decimating the region known as Grimbonia. Once a fertile plains, it is now a twisted wreck of dangerous caverns and rock. Marauding Chaos warbands often pass through the area in search of metals revealed from the ripple.

Modern Day

A broken land, inhabited by a broken colony of greenskinz still remaining in the twisted craggy landscape loyal to their ancestors land.


Congratulations to other winners from all other regions...blah blah...who cares

Winners from the other regions.....hmm do this later

Sir Gilles the Fallen is on the recruit as fans flock in

New lessons in fear management are being discussed over at SNOTS after this recent piece of magic, dont worry about all those dice and calmly ignore the army ready to beat you

Block of the season goes to, well actually its from the amateurs (teams not coaches!) but what a smash


Swan riders
We will rock you
Rate this entry
Posted by bakadon on 2021-06-21 02:32:26
Still working and getting some code together for the seasonal replacement to the Giantz match reports.

On the hunt for bbcode bits and bobs and hopefulyl smarten it all up a little. Got the template so should get easier :)

Hm bedtime actually, finish another day when theres no games to play, late night madness setting in!
Posted by pedro_fgomes on 2021-06-21 10:45:29
Great work bakadon! Here is the Khorne's Doombringers contribution to the obituary (notable players only) - Smod (https://fumbbl.com/p/player?player_id=12870765) was fouled to death during the match vs the Mountains of Mourn Tyrants :)
Posted by Apus on 2021-06-21 11:54:59
I love the Speedball picture :)
Posted by bakadon on 2021-06-21 12:55:25
Anyone know where I can find individual player icons for all SL teams please?
Posted by C0ddlefish on 2021-06-21 13:48:25
If you want to use just one of the icons then use [picon=XXXXXX] where XXXXXX is the number of the image on Fummbl.
[picon=?????? x=1 y=1] you can also use X,Y coordinates to pick which specific icon you want from the block. So X=1 Y=1 would be top left etc.
Posted by bakadon on 2021-06-21 15:47:52
Cheers c0ddle I'm am collating all these links so I don't ask again in a few months hehe
Posted by bakadon on 2021-06-21 22:05:37
There a way to stop gifs autoplaying so it doesn't screw the eye? Or just space em out
Posted by Subs on 2021-06-22 14:18:24
Great work mate!!

Really great!! :}