Posted by B_SIDE on 2013-10-26 15:56:42
Not too hard to find other ways to kill people with a needle.
Posted by Bobs on 2013-10-26 16:05:24
Geez and they have soo many guns. Bullets are cheap.
But I suppose mass murderers deserve to die a humane death.
Posted by koadah on 2013-10-26 16:46:02
Why not just have gladiatorial contests? That should get rid of a few of them.
Selling the TV rights & DVDs would help reduce the tax burden of the penal system.
Posted by DeZigma on 2013-10-26 16:46:31
Sometimes i like to be an EU member!
Just imagine EU would stay always so integer, but ss usual we arn't.
(and Peter Pan would be our president)
Posted by Garion on 2013-10-26 17:41:23
Lol Kodah :D
even better, just make The running man a reality :P
Posted by Cavetroll on 2013-10-26 18:21:11
So many things wrong with this situation, I'm too flabbergasted to sort them all out. FAEL!
Posted by Synn on 2013-10-26 18:22:00
We should just go back to hanging.
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-10-26 18:51:09
We should reconsider throwing folks into volcanos again. No needles, no mess to clean up, no importing problems... some volcano god would appreciate it... it's win/win.
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-10-26 19:37:25
Synn and I have discussed this and come to the conclusion that hanging people over volcanos is the most logical solution to the execution issues folks are having. Hang 'em over the volcano... cut the rope... order pizza. Done deal.
Posted by Wreckage on 2013-10-26 20:07:39
Maybe the EU should deliver uranium to Iran aswell. I bet there are lots of civilians who could need a better and cheaper power supply.
Posted by WoodPusher on 2013-10-26 21:43:13
Posted by Dunenzed on 2013-10-27 00:23:51
Animatronic dragons + criminal tied to a stake. Nom Nom.
Posted by paulhicks on 2013-10-27 01:08:19
i am disgusted that non of you suggested making them play bloodbowl for real yet?
Posted by pythrr on 2013-10-27 07:23:51
NEWS: EU ban export of big axes.
Posted by the.tok on 2013-10-29 14:22:12
Oh yeah ! Real bloodbowl games :D
We won't provide the chainsaws though