“Accepted a match vs a skaven team with a str5/agi5 linerat and an absolute monster of a rat ogre, block/tackle/claw/rsc/multiblock. *shivers* But his super-linerat knocked himself out via failed dodge turn 3, and turn 4 his RO joined him via block. Without their support, was able to bash a few heads and punch the ball in for the score. Neither of his key players wakes up, and first half ends, 1-0.
Second half, thx to injuries and yet more failed ko rolls, he has 5 rats to my 11...and not his super linerat nor his RO. A perfect defense completes the pictures, trapping his one gutter with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Take the ball away, stall the rest of the game, scoring turn 2.8. I acknowledged it was likely a boring game for him, but I wasn't going to score early and possibly get that monster RO back on pitch to kill somebody. Response: "bad excuse". Bad or not, it's the smart move, and I'd do it again.
If your gameplan revolves around just two players, then don't cry to me when they're removed and your team becomes useless.”
“Heh. My two "power houses" out was bad, but not a catastrophe.
What was funny though was eagles comment before the game: Just leave me a team to continiue with after the game. Fine.
I could even cope with the stalling. I think id do the same. The double standards come in when my remaining four players do some insane dodges and try to get in a "safe zone", only to get hunted down. If thats the way you wanna play, then dont cry before the game. : )”
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Second half, thx to injuries and yet more failed ko rolls, he has 5 rats to my 11...and not his super linerat nor his RO. A perfect defense completes the pictures, trapping his one gutter with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Take the ball away, stall the rest of the game, scoring turn 2.8. I acknowledged it was likely a boring game for him, but I wasn't going to score early and possibly get that monster RO back on pitch to kill somebody. Response: "bad excuse". Bad or not, it's the smart move, and I'd do it again.
If your gameplan revolves around just two players, then don't cry to me when they're removed and your team becomes useless.”