Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Break Tackle
Multiple Block
Piling On
SPP in 4 of his first 5 games on the team...better start than most of my rat ogres...
Despite aging at 31 spp, we decided to keep him after he showed an actual propensity towards blocking. Glad we did, too, as a little while later he grew a lethal looking set of claws, further enhancing his blocking prowess. Look out, bloodbowl world!
Aged a niggle upon reaching mega-star status (126 spp), but has now learned how to dodge the blows of lesser blockers, so reckon I'll hang onto the big guy for a while. He's closing in on the team all-time cas record, and just might become my first BG legend...
Two cas shy of the team record, and he's already established new team records for oldest rat ogre and most star player points for a rat ogre...
Well, look out everybody, there's a new sheriff in town! Team record for cas, and team ratogre records for spp and games played...may he live forever!
Countdown has begun...3 more cas until legend status! Who will the three victims be?
Ended up being two cas and two consecutive MVP awards to push him over the top to legend status. Alas, age catches up to us all, and has weakened this monster of the pitch. Time to say adieu, and start looking for a replacement...