“look no further for the effects of dice/nuffle going against you, we joked about hoping all casualties were only badly hurt before the game and i think nuffle heard.
7 casualties against is bad for any side when you play a dwarf team its a killer but to his credit my opponent took it all in good grace even the failed gfi after making 3 4+ dodges without a reroll
would highly recommend him as an oppo and offer him a chance to revenge this game when ever he wants to :)
but not to soon as you are due amazing luck in your next match”
#1 Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf – Smashed Knee (NI) #14 Big Pappa – Broken Ribs (MNG) #14 Big Pappa – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Here's all the lovely random goodness that happened...
1st Half
Turn 1 - He receives
Turn 2 - My only spot of luck is a lucky bounce after I blitz his ball handler. A Longbeard catches the stray bounce.
Turn 3 - I receive 2 BH and 1 SI
Turn 5 - Double 1s on a GFI. I receive a KO (thank you, thick skull)
Turn 6 - My only real shot at getting the ball away from him, I blitz his Ball Handler. Push, RR, Push.
Turn 7 - Maverick scores. I receive, complete a pass to Robbie and get within scoring range in a wide zone. No RRs.
Turn 8 - Complicated turn. He blitzes my BH with a stripper but just pushes him. Sure Hands lets him keep the ball. I suffer another KO this turn. (thank you, thick skull)
My Turn 8, no RRs
a. 2 GFIs succeed. I'm surprised.
b. I manage to frenzy his Mino out of the way and into the crowd. I'm elated. (stunned. wow) This leaves a hobgoblin and a GFI between me and a TD
c. Robbie blitzes that hobgoblin. SkullPow/Skull. Said hobo has block. ugh. Frustration...
d. Anything can happen in BB. No RRs. I proceed to dodge around said hobbo. 6, 6, 6. Home free! Now I'm ecstatic!
e. Only to fail my first of two GFIs.
End of Half
2nd Half
Turn 1 - I receive. At this point, I realize that all of my guarders are out of the game. Kickoff result... Blitz! Another KO. (thank you, thick skull) He surrounds the ball and catches it.
Turn 2 - I manage to blitz the ball handler with a stripper, pick it up with Bridget and pass to a Longbeard. Double 3s to catch.
Turn 3 - 2 BHs and a SI... again. Maverick scores... again.
Turn 4 - At this point, I have 7 players. I receive. Kickoff result... Perfect Defense. Nice.
Turn 6 - Fast turn. Bridget rolls double 1s to dodge. I suffer a RIP this turn. Apoth wakes up and does something useful.
Turn 7 - Another GFI failure for me.
Turn 8 - juststaydownanddon'tmove
Bridget ages and gets a niggle as she skills. I managed to pull 3 niggles out of this game.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
7 casualties against is bad for any side when you play a dwarf team its a killer but to his credit my opponent took it all in good grace even the failed gfi after making 3 4+ dodges without a reroll
would highly recommend him as an oppo and offer him a chance to revenge this game when ever he wants to :)
but not to soon as you are due amazing luck in your next match”