“My first foray into the realm of major tournaments and it was definitely eye-opening. The quality of coaching is vastly improved, and I ran into a meatgrinder when the Dunbarton Archers took on Khorn's Tempest. It was only by the luckiest of die rolls that I managed to tie the match up at the end of regulation, but when it went into overtime I fell on hard times with double ones.
Never let it be said that it was the dice alone though. Sk8bcn is a hell of a good coach and he capitalized on every opportunity. I'm hoping he goes far in the tournament so that I can say I lost to the eventual champ. ;)
Here's hoping we get to play again in a tournament someday, mate. I'd love to get a rematch. ”
I never believed nor hoped to win this one. Somehow I feel as the luckiest one in this game.
It was definitely a good experience, liquidorange beeing a nice chatty opponent and a good coach too. If he had gotten the ball on the kick off in overtime, I would have lost.
Only sad thing: I lost my 126spps big star Ardian.
End of an era for the Tempest.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Never let it be said that it was the dice alone though. Sk8bcn is a hell of a good coach and he capitalized on every opportunity. I'm hoping he goes far in the tournament so that I can say I lost to the eventual champ. ;)
Here's hoping we get to play again in a tournament someday, mate. I'd love to get a rematch.