“Ok, a draw is not a loss, but it isn't a win either. It is the Wednesday of Bloodbowl. We need to focus on the good things in this match.
First point of order. Congratulations to JanMattys who not only got his meaty hands on the ball but also successful got the teams second completion making him the current Completions Leader, the last being our dearly departed Ulm. Of course some cynics might say that this is a cursed award and JanMattys will inevitably die in the next match just like Ulm. By the way Ulm is dead.
We held our ground against a team with strong blocking skills and a strength advantage. But we played smart and took out the majority of their ball handlers and runners early so they were left with only blocking options. The lack of a big guy hurt us a little as the Geckoes didn't have a clear threat to focus on and managed to gang up a bit to play to their strength advantage.
Again all-grain managed to be on the receiving end on a nasty shot to the head, this time he took it like a trooper and just got a concussion. He has promised that when he gets out of the apothecary's clutches he will stick to kicking and fouling and leave everything else to the others.
Beautiful run to the line by hardin0, though the little misstep towards the TD had our collective hearts in our throats.
The Zzabur goes to TheSpoonyBard for his horrifying attack on a little skink a third of his size. Damn thing was too rubbery to break properly but TSB managed to keep him out of the running for the rest of the match.”
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First point of order. Congratulations to JanMattys who not only got his meaty hands on the ball but also successful got the teams second completion making him the current Completions Leader, the last being our dearly departed Ulm. Of course some cynics might say that this is a cursed award and JanMattys will inevitably die in the next match just like Ulm. By the way Ulm is dead.
We held our ground against a team with strong blocking skills and a strength advantage. But we played smart and took out the majority of their ball handlers and runners early so they were left with only blocking options. The lack of a big guy hurt us a little as the Geckoes didn't have a clear threat to focus on and managed to gang up a bit to play to their strength advantage.
Again all-grain managed to be on the receiving end on a nasty shot to the head, this time he took it like a trooper and just got a concussion. He has promised that when he gets out of the apothecary's clutches he will stick to kicking and fouling and leave everything else to the others.
Beautiful run to the line by hardin0, though the little misstep towards the TD had our collective hearts in our throats.
The Zzabur goes to TheSpoonyBard for his horrifying attack on a little skink a third of his size. Damn thing was too rubbery to break properly but TSB managed to keep him out of the running for the rest of the match.”