This game started under very suspicious circumstances as the Nufflucked crew
raised allegations of cheating by the Hams head office. Shortly before game
time, a new offensive coordinator was hired, but then summarily fired before
kickoff. When asked about this move, coach Prophane said, "I have nothing to say"
Shortly after the game got under way, Troll Mahnamahna - Doot-doo-de-doo-doo managed to kill the St Louis Troll, but lucky for him, he regenerated!
Despite missing Troll Andy McKillem, the Hams were able to get the ball and move it downfield and scored easily.
The Chaos Dwarves star Bull, rocker GG Allin returend the score early in the 2nd Half.
With a few players off the field, the Hams bring out NWL MVP Oh No! and superstar thrower Marc Bludger and set up for the toss. The play goes perfectly, and then Andy McKillem, still reeling from his early death and regeneration debacle, just stood there when it came time to throw the goblin.
Blitzing Bulls manage to take down the little greenie and knock the ball away. A hobgoblin scoops it up and tosses it down field, into the open pitch.
The Hams scramble and clear the way for one final last ditch play. Marc Bludger gets the ball and delivers it to Oh No! but once again, Troll Andy McKillem is busy pondering the meaning of life and fails to realize he is supposed to launch the goblin.
The game ends in a tie, 1-1.
Good game -eech, see you on the pitch again!
edit: I dont hate Rudy, i actually have lots of respect for the little guy! I only fouled him in T16 to make him tougher! :)”
Round 3
This game started under very suspicious circumstances as the Nufflucked crew
raised allegations of cheating by the Hams head office. Shortly before game
time, a new offensive coordinator was hired, but then summarily fired before
kickoff. When asked about this move, coach Prophane said, "I have nothing to say"
Shortly after the game got under way, Troll Mahnamahna - Doot-doo-de-doo-doo managed to kill the St Louis Troll, but lucky for him, he regenerated!
Despite missing Troll Andy McKillem, the Hams were able to get the ball and move it downfield and scored easily.
The Chaos Dwarves star Bull, rocker GG Allin returend the score early in the 2nd Half.
With a few players off the field, the Hams bring out NWL MVP Oh No! and superstar thrower Marc Bludger and set up for the toss. The play goes perfectly, and then Andy McKillem, still reeling from his early death and regeneration debacle, just stood there when it came time to throw the goblin.
Blitzing Bulls manage to take down the little greenie and knock the ball away. A hobgoblin scoops it up and tosses it down field, into the open pitch.
The Hams scramble and clear the way for one final last ditch play. Marc Bludger gets the ball and delivers it to Oh No! but once again, Troll Andy McKillem is busy pondering the meaning of life and fails to realize he is supposed to launch the goblin.
The game ends in a tie, 1-1.
Good game -eech, see you on the pitch again!
edit: I dont hate Rudy, i actually have lots of respect for the little guy! I only fouled him in T16 to make him tougher! :)”