CTV 2350k Chaos Chosen
Necromantic Horror CTV 2330k
#2 Gladius Grol – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#7 Lutha Cros – Dead (RIP)
#13 Nimp Greenheart – Dead (RIP)
#16 Ahmed Ben Bella – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#16 Ahmed Ben Bella – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Obliteration tried to get full control of the game in the first half but the Necros put up a valiant effort and even had a shot at the ballcarrier in the waning seconds. The Werewolf could not pull off the save and Gore ran in the touchdown to put his team up by one at the break.
PfD received in the second half and their second agile Ghoul, Amish Straen, went to pick up the ball. He dropped back to pass and waited for his team to make an opening that would never come. Midway through the second half, the Wishmaster ripped into his team for being complacent. With the fire lit, Obliteration did what Obliteration was quickly becoming known to do. Kullz and Lutha Cross got into a battle that ended in the Beastman roaring in triumph over the shredded corpse of the Werewolf. Both Flesh Golems were taken out of commission as even the normally placid Troll, Devastator, got into the action.
PfD just had too few players to protect their ballcarrier and a desperation pass went awry. The ball was fumbled and soon Zoroaster had the ball. The Chaos Warrior would run in the touchdown to end the game.
Good game, freak_in_a_frock! Thanks for the match, mate! Cya in the BBox!”